
Was the suggestion that the hype was a Dubai Chocolate?

Was the suggestion that the hype was a Dubai Chocolate?

If all goes well, it will cost a small expense: Die Rede ist von Dubai-Schokolade. In social networks, 15 euros worth of “Schoko-Gold” is hyped, tested and reinforced. Online it is possible to prepare a quick meal with the Pistazien-Creme and the Teigfäden tables, so that you can run to the few supermarkets, which have a large offer.

Chocolate on the road and covered

Zu den Expertinnen in Sachen Dubai-Schokolade gehört Food-Bloggerin Kiki Aweimer in Bochum. If the Schokolade starts a year on a trip in Dubai, report the Unternehmerin, the own Dubai-Schokolade under the Marke Kikis Kitchen distributed online. Die Nachfrage sei hoch, de Wartezeiten entsprechend lang. In the Arab Emirates, the art of Schokolade can take longer.

So the Dubai-Shocolate power would die

If the cost for the Schokolade is not so great or will cost so little money, it can be a self-service machine, which spreads a word from the Verbraucherzentrale. “That is with few people to live in the house.”

I am on the internet offering millions of purchases. The Zutatenliste is relatively expensive. Neben Vollmilchschokolade braucht man Pistazien-Creme, Sesammuß (Tahini) und Kadayif-Fäden aus Teig, die man auch im turkischen Gebäck Baklava findet. The chocolate products are characteristically Crunchy, says the Food Influencer Aweimer.

Influencer Kiki Aweimer steht in ihrem Geschäft "Kiki's kitchen" in the Ruhrpark and stop producing your product "Dubai Chocolate". We will look forward to seeing the great food influencers in Germany in 2023 with the NRW Green Award.

Influence of Kiki Aweimer has stopped in the “Kikis Kitchen” in the Ruhrpark and the production of “Dubai-Schokolade”. We will look forward to seeing the great food influencers in Germany in 2023 with the NRW Green Award. (Photo: Sascha Thelen/dpa)

If the problem occurs, an Edelvollmilchschokolade will be taken. They will be melted and shaped. The English hair, which became Kadayif-Fäden, has lately been cut into small pieces and in a Pfanne in Butter-geröstet. Danach bowls of Pistazien-Creme and Tahini dazu. The Schokolade will still not be fulfilled and wander around the Kühlschrank. “Man beißt, es cruncht, man knackt die Schokolade,” said Aweimer. The Chocolate will be over soon, we will experience more sins.

The hype on the Spur

The Dubai Chocolate comes from the Unternehmen Fix Dessert Chocolatier, which will be offered in Dubai in 2021. Unternehmensgründerin Sarah Hamouda gilded as Erfinderin. If the answer is to the customer’s question, the message I received is. In Dubai the Chocolate costs about 16.60 Euro. If you have a global appeal, don’t even think about it, ask Hamouda about Sender CNN.

Der Grund, whose people are busy working on the Schokolade, has no intention of serving the high night, says Aweimer. “Everyone will try it badly.” It is a common cowardice.

Geschmackstests zur Dubai-Schokolade were clicked by millions on Tiktok, and Rezepte went viral. The video that has made an impact in the United States, which has passed the test of Dubai and Scotland, will earn more than $80 million.

Verbraucherzentrale critic hohen Preis

Nicht nur Kikis Kitchen has the viral Schoko-Hit an, but other Offers since the Market – but with relatively teuren Tafeln. The Zutat, for the Repairer, keeps the taste in the Tasche greifen müssten, sei die Pistazien-Creme, sagt the Sprecherin der Verbraucherzentrale in Berlin. The Verbraucher is made in such a way that the Pistazie drips into the product.

If the others do not use the prize, this is not the case. “During the social media, the Dubai-Chocolate theme is widely available.” If we want the Hersteller, we will expect an extra high price.

Influencerin represents Price

For the high prices you can earn with your hand and relatively a lot of money with Pistazien and Fairtrade-Schokolade, says Aweimer. “A Schokolade table is an eighth person, which Schokolade works when possible.” If you wish, you can pay the critical collection price.

There is a new brand sale in Dubai-Schokolade. A market in the Bayerischen Koningsbrunn in Augsburg is damned on Instagram. “The chocolate went away quickly,” the Geschäftsführer reported.