
Reform in der Kritik: Die Bürgergeld-Märchen fliegen auf | Politics

Reform in der Kritik: Die Bürgergeld-Märchen fliegen auf | Politics

The citizen’s money is itself the Gemüter. Has the reform been separated?

Actually it is: The German Stütze-System is his work, while the employer is abroad, the Zahl der Bezieher will still stay longer.

And you can almost determine the direction yourself: Die Anreize, um vom Citizen money in work, since it is small. Then that will happen Bürgergeld-Empfängern 1000 Euro Prämie zahlenwhen there is a new Arbeit (and for a year).

If it is good: If a first step has been taken, a citizen’s fee for the transfer, then the reform cannot be good.

And that is the second non-operation in citizen money. After I had done more Sanctions for the total refuser than a citizen money package in July in the Wachstumsinitiative der Regierung (wird noch umgesetzt), this is the new “Arsch-hoch-Prämie”.

The citizen’s money is so bad that the man is steadfast, it does not go well.

Citizen money in Check

BILD power over the Check. Is the reform hereditary?

▶︎The Cost Explodiers: The Ampel-Regierung rechnet internally with deutlich high Citizen Money costs, if they are open! Plötzlich fehlen 9.6 Billions Euro.

▶︎Die Zahl der Citizen money manager It’s been a year since the light rises and stagnates. The reform has been in Kraft since 2023. The effect can also be seen in itself.

▶︎Fast your second citizen payment is in the country of Ausländer. Does the Bürgergeld also cover flight costs?

▶︎Der Job-Turbo voor Ukrainian zündet nicht. Part of the Federal Agency of Arbeit zu BILD: “Gegenüber February 2022 will contribute to social expenditure from 156,000 to 213,000 and to Minijobs from 45,000 to 53,000.” And for the Gesamtquote: “The Beschäftigungsquote von Ukrainian Staatsangehörigen was zletzt bei 29,4 Prozent.” I am compared to other Ländern ist das schwach.

▶︎Sanktionen für Totalverweigerer (beschloss die Ampel im März): Leader statistically cannot separate a man, because Sanktionen and Totalverweigerer or other Bürgergeldbezieher were spoken. Aber: The Jobcenter-Mitarbeiterin Renate Schwimmer (58, name geändert) said about new Bürgergeld: “Man can make things, if man wants, that is the case.” Schlecht!

Labor market expert Holger Schäfer (IW Köln) at BILD: “The criticism that arose with the introduction of citizen funds has been well addressed.” Real .”