
Labor will arrange job coaches in Spitäler

Labor will arrange job coaches in Spitäler

“Der kranke Mann Europas” is a word, a eigentlich used world, a country in the wirtschaftlicher or more political German Krise; in Great Britain it is worth understanding. Während voor zehn Jahren Studium or Kinderbetreuung die high-quality green While a British war was going on, the pandemic and Brexit has become another parameter in the high level of protection: Long-term illness.

Konkret sind laut Institut für Schung zur öffentlichen Ordnung (IPPR) derzeit 2.8 million British roads Perpetual illness and mental problems long-lasting mad writing. The Zahl is a 900,000 patients higher than the prospects for the Corona crisis before that time, and it takes as many as 300,000 people.

Krankenstands-Nation England: Labor will arrange job coaches in Spitäler

Long-term illness depends on the high quality of workmanship.

Zurück in the Labor Market

Die Labor management can solve this problem. Get rid of it: This will happen Job-Berater in the stateslichen Krankenhäuser schicken.

For a private week, ließ Prime Minister Keir Starmer anchors, that’s it all, the long-term money in Anspruch nehmen, can be an Arbeit die müssten. It’s a natural “swingy fall”, it’s true BBCAnd if you take charge of some of the things you can help, making the decisions in the turmoil will be worth it.

Krankenstands-Nation England: Labor will arrange job coaches in Spitäler

Keir Starmer was allowed to find long-term jobs.

However: “If the corporation were willing to stand before the judges established by the social state, then the government would have to deal with the problem, stop the leistungsbetrug and everything that could happen, would be able to cope with a labor loss.”

During the past 900,000 sick days, the state has passed away. 5.3 Billions Euro and Steuereinnahmen entgangs.

Diese Woche establishes the Health Minister Wes Straating and Labor Ministerin Liz Kendal with another idea: Sie möchten lau Guardian Arbeitsberater in the NHS-Krankenhäusern stationieren. He is in Maudsley psychiatric clinic in south London in the autumn. Be sure that you are Arbeitsberater bei der Arbeitssuche, at Schreiben von Lebensläufen and at the Vorbereitung auf Vorstellungsgespreche.

Krankenstands-Nation England: Labor will arrange job coaches in Spitäler

Arbeitsberater sollen in Krankenhäuser stationiert zijn.

Kein Platz, no prevention

As common as it is, it is a thematic complex. Half of Britain’s chronic illnesses result in diabetes Depressions; a Rückkehr on the Arbeitsplatz will often be for the Mammutaufgabe.

Dazu becomes huge überlastetes Gesundheitsysteem: 7.5 Million Britons warten auf An Routine negotiationin August I have to run 28,500 people longer than 12 Stunden in der Notaufnahme ausharren. I am Schnitt kümmert sich a total of 2,300 patients. Gemeinhin muss man sich three Years for a single period of patience.

It’s no longer possible Kapazitäten for routine checks, among others Wisdom for the Vorsorgeuntersuchung. Zum Arzt, so erzählen es the British will be a man, if a poor fehlt is. An installation, it is difficult to understand, that completely disappeared in the Krankheitsfall 28 Euro pro tag erhalten.

Gesund and with Mitgefühl

An appeal to the Institute for Research for the Ordnung in der Daily mail for a way, a neuroorientation: away from another Kranken hint on a preventive health system. It is possible to die Life support the British (the first time they fell) are a few years long.

Ouch James Taylor, director of strategy at the underlying organization Scope, argued for a “mitfühlendes social system.” And: The management must be recognised, “this is the only option behind human work”.