
Auch CDU schießt gegen “absurde Idea”

Auch CDU schießt gegen “absurde Idea”

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Auch CDU schießt gegen “absurde Idea”
Niece Nur Martin Rosemann (SPD) spoke about the planted Bürgergeld-Prämie. © IlluPics/Imago; ULMER Pressebildagentur/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

Eigentliche war die 1000-Euro-Prämie voor Bürgergeld-Empfänger schon beschlossene Sache. Now it is worth plundering all the Ampel parties and the CDU days.

Update, Montag (7. October), 7.46 am: When Carsten Linnemann, the CDU general of the CDU, left the Ampel Coalition, he was given a prize of 1000 euros for a long loss to quit. “It is my most likely mistake, whoever comes up with such an absurd idea can think,” it is gegenüber der Image. “Who will stop the million workers in Germany who jeden Tag das Land am Laufen?”

Bürgergeld-Prämie plötzlich for dem Aus: Auch CDU schießt gegen “absurde Idea”

First report, Sunday (6 October), 4.28 pm: The SPD Bundestagsfaction can prevent the Bundescabinet from deciding on a 1000-euro prize for citizen money. The sociopolitical speaker of the SPD Faction, Martin Rosemann, said that in the Montag-sausgabe of Image: “The Anschubfinanzierung war ein ausdrücklicher Wunsch von Robert Habeck (Grüne, Anm. d. Ed.). If the SPD political party has reservations, the Labor Ministry will help us further.’

1000-Euro-Prämie for Citizens’ Compensation: SPD Power Roll Back

You can blame the SPD for financing some of the spending on citizen funds. Now that the internal criticism of the Grünen faction has increased and the FDP has gotten its ideas, Rosemann sees neither Gründe, but one of the last parties.

In that autumn, Citizen Money-Empfängers who vom Bundeskabinett beschlossene 1000-Euro-Prämie will obtain:

Long-term losses of the citizen money company will result in a malicious 1000 euros from the Federal Government, if they no longer want to see a long sozialversicherungspflichtige spending of the money supply and the spirit of the month on the citizen money. The created Job must turn out “bedarfsdeckend”. A Minijob-reicht nicht.

Quelle: Federal Government

“Once we have looked at the Fraktion der Grünen criticism and come up with the FDP ideas, we can no longer celebrate,” Rosemann told the newspaper (weitere Bürgergeld-News at RUHR24 lessons).

1000 Euro for Bürgergeld-Empfänger: Prämie sollte Arbeitsanreize purchase

The Bundescabinet has an idea of ​​the processes that take a long time, the mind is a year long social versicherungspflichtige description of the costs, a price of 1000 euros for zahlen. This Regulation is valid from January 1, 2025 in Kraft paper.

Laut Bundeswirtschaftsministerium dies die Prämie darauf ab, “die Aufnahme regulärer, dauerhafter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse zu stärken”. For a long time we will lose sollten in the low situation, the political security will be destroyed.

AFP/bearbeitet by Magnus Hoppe