
GROPYUS more on Erfolgskurs | GROPYUS AG, 07.10.2024

GROPYUS more on Erfolgskurs | GROPYUS AG, 07.10.2024

  • The new financing round has a value of 100 million euros
  • Investments in own capital investments of more than 300 million euros have been made
  • New investments in semapa and practical venture capital have begun
  • Finanzierungsrunde sichert GROPYUS in absehbarer Zeit die Profitabilität
  • Capitalization of the new Smart Factory in Richen and subsequent construction projects

GROPYUS, the technologically based Bauunternehmen for hochattractive, bezahlbare and nachaltige Holz-Hybrid-Mehrfamilienhäuser, has acquired a new financing round of 100 million euros. Damit could count on GROPYUS at the Gründung 2019 with more than 300 million euros and its own capital investments. If the venture capital risk of EUR 40 million is greater, the GROPYUS may enter the years of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in the future. One of the active financing rounds concerns stocks and new investments. The company GROPYUS, the Portuguese Investment-Holding Semapa (, has engaged the American VC Fund Practical Venture Capital (

The Mittel Financing Runde flies in the launched digital development group of GROPYUS-Werkes with 50 flexible robots in Richen (Baden-Württemberg), the further technology and in the environment of the next construction projects of external companies. Markus Fuhrmann, CEO and co-founder von GROPYUS: “The climbing frame and the mangle a bezahlbarem Wohnraum are getting bigger and bigger. GROPYUS will no longer carry out the overhaul of industrial production and automation of the construction sector. Once the Grundlagen have been realized, it is a matter of choosing between a higher capital intensity. Once that is the case, the mission will be a mission for the best investors of investors and as the turnover continues. The financing round has generated a volume of 300 million euros. Damit treiben wir unser Wachstum nicht nur voran, especially put our mission on a solid foundation. This capitalization started in the Lage, the Smart Factory said that Vollaus sustainability was high and more projects were launched from the band.”

Ricardo Pires, CEO of Semapa, says: „We are going to grow our business with new innovations, futures and digital technology to take construction and living to a new level. The business community has come together with the expertise of various industries, which combine Wissen and their business operations in the Bereichen Bauwesen, Technology, Real Estate Development and Construction start-ups in a number of fields. Because it is so difficult to get into the low phase, an entire industry, the transformation of the transformation, will be a sin of transience. GROPYUS offers a remarkable opportunity in a long residential market, and with woolen the guard of the Unternehmens during our Investition Unterstützen and a team that has the potential to make a unterschied Unterschied zu machen throughout Europe.”

More Projekte Deutschlandweit

GROPYUS builds as Generalübernehmer aktuell two Projects in Deutschland. In Berlin, GROPYUS im Auftrag der BUWOG Bauträger GmbH, a Tochtergesellschaft der Vonovia SE, founded a Gebäude mit 27 Wohneinheiten. In Immendingen in the south of Baden-Württembergs you will find the first Living Quarter of GROPYUS – new Gebäude with insgesamt 99 Living Areas. With those two are impertinent projects under GROPYUS die Vielseitigkeit und Markttauglichkeit seines Bausystems.

Production facilities with more than 3,500 residences

The construction of the GROPYUS employees in Richene is a well-known development, automation and digital integration of companies located on the Zielgeraden. Modern robot and automation solutions are based on the Grundlage a higher quality of the costs for caliber and – through the optimization of the material connections – consistently low costs. After the Abschluss des Ausbaus Ende 2024, the GROPYUS with an automation degree of 86 Prozent in der Lage, a Wall and Deck element in your beef 16 Minutes Zu fertigen. The full production capacity would then amount to 250,000 square meters of gross floor area, more than 3,500 dwellings. GROPYUS alle Kompetenzen für die Steuerung der Anlage, Prozessdefinition und Optimierung sowie Maschinenbau gebündelt liegt, erwartet das Unternehmen perspektivisch een Steigerung der Produktionskapazität auf 300,000 qm Bruttogeschossfläche per Jahr.


In 2019, GROPYUS is an advanced technological basic model for residential construction, which with its high quality, design and durability, ensures a positive impact on living conditions and provides greater climate comfort. GROPYUS loves all its Holz-Hybrid-Mehrfamilienhäuser schlüsselfertig from one source. The Verbindung of Software and Technology, the Bauwesen, Robotics and serial Fertigung are most concerned with digitizing, automating and industrializing end-to-end processes. While the flexible basic building system has a basic piece efficiency, individual planning and fast building design in the form of a building system, there is a separate and fully integrated building system. In the cities of Wien, Berlin, Steinhaus and Richen since around 400 Mitarbeiter:innen tätig. Gegründet wurde GROPYUS ua von Markus Fuhrmann (Mitgründer des börsennotierten Essenslieferdienst Lieferheld/Delivery Hero), Philipp Erler and Bernd Oswald.

For the Innovationskraft that GROPYUS 2023 presents with the “PropTech of the Year Award” from the trade associations ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss eV) with the Ernst & Young “Scale-up Award” in the PropTech and Real Estate category.

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