
Schnelle Hilfe für Opfer – Opferhilfefonds startedet – rückwirkend für Halle-Attentat – Wirtschaft

Magdeburg/Halle (dpa/sa) – Opfer schwerer Gewalttaten landesweiter Bedeutung sollen in Saxony-Anhalt can be quickly and unbürokratisch Money from the new Opferhilfefonds des Landes could be erhalten. Once the acquisition of the directive has begun with the Fund for the Ministry of Justice, it has officially begun.

“Schwere Gewalttaten, in particular jene, die aus extremistische or terrorist Motivation heraus started to be, hinterlassen at the Opfern and ihren Familien körperliche and seelische Verwundungen”, heißt es in der Richtlinie. Gerade in the first part of time and life that takes place in the greatest sense of practical Hilfe and Unterstützung. Der Staat stehe in der Pflicht, den Bürgerinnen en Bürgern beizusthen.

The initiative for the Opferhilfefonds comes from the Landtag. The Regierungsfraktionen of CDU, SPD and FDP will be transferred to the Road in 2022.

Background war of racist and anti-Semitic motivated Anschlag von Halle on October 9, 2019. Damas hatte der Attentäter am höchsten udischen Feiertag Yom Kippur versucht, the Synagogue von Halle zu stürmen and a Massaker anzurichten. If this is not the case, then there is no synagogue in the second place.

Fonds tritt rückwirkend zum October 2019 in Kraft

This is the only thing you can do if you are affected by the background of the Halle-Anschlags Hilfe. The Fund is available since October 1, 2019 in Kraft.

The Antragstellung would probably be uncomplicated, said Justizministerin Franziska Weidinger (CDU). In my house it is one of the inseparable Kommissions, the jewels are separated. It was a visit to the landesopferbeauftragten Gabriele Theren.

This issue, which with the investment fund is an unburocratic financial Hilfe ermöglicht, can have the individual situation of jewelry or frightening consequences.

„Gerade the young years in which the situation arises, is that there is a good chance that there is a bad situation, but how the situation develops, in any situation and how individual Hilfebedarf-erforderliche worlds are. Here you can’t help and you can’t help,” says Gabriele Theren.

50,000 Euro for delivery costs

The Hilfeleistung becomes a break time. In der Regel costs 300 Euro. In the case of physical and health damage with long-term care, the costs could be 3,000 Euro. If you earn 5,000 Euro, you will be questioned for Todesfällen nach Terroranschlägen or Attentaten met landesweiterbeddeutung. The Fund amounts to 50,000 euros per year.

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