
Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA research

Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA research

That year, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to the American-Americans Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for the development of microRNA and its role in gene regulation. Das teilte das Karolinska-Institut in Stockholm mit.

Both Forscher have discovered a fundamental principle of the control of the Genaktivität, this is it. “I have a completely new approach to regulation, which is inherently responsible for better organisms, a natural human being, which is important”, thus the Nobel Committee in the blessing understanding. MicroRNAs are a legend that affects the function and functioning of organisms.

The information contained in the chromosomes can be displayed with a user interface for all members of the Körpers. Jede Zelle has used diesel engines from Chromosomes and damn dense Satz von Genen. Different types of zells that have mussel and grain zells have their own unique properties. The game mechanism of generational regulation plays a role, as Ambros and Ruvkun describe.

Victor Ambros (born 1953) worked at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Gary Ruvkun (born 1952) at Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts General Hospital. The best Auszeichnung for Mediziner is who I am with 11 million Swedish crowns (970,000 euros) worth. You will see that you are half and that they are both Forscher. – dpa