
Will the SVP leave the lost Sitz and remain the Mitte erneut zu?

Will the SVP leave the lost Sitz and remain the Mitte erneut zu?


Will the SVP leave the lost Sitz and remain the Mitte erneut zu? As exciting as the Grossratswahl in Zurzibiet

Four years ago, the Bezirk Zurzach at the Wahlen in the Canton Parliament was a sensation. Die Grünen first hollowed out a Sitz. It would be a major challenge if the coup were to happen.

Drehen wir das Zeitrad zurück: There was a thought-provoking Tag. On October 18, 2020, the party landscape was more robust. SVP (–1.97), FDP (–4.54) and SP (–1.98) should have the most efficient Verluste inputs. Zusammen los sie fast zehn Prozent Wähleranteil. Demgegenüber reports that the CVP (heute die Mitte) after a year’s progress will be final (+5.62).

Wer schafft die Wiederwahl, wer kommt new ins Parlament? Sieben Sitze since the 20th of October for the last visit.

Wer schafft die Wiederwahl, wer kommt new ins Parlament? Sieben Sitze since the 20th of October for the last visit.

Image: Dlovan Shaheri

The idiosyncratic sensation war after the victory at the expense of the SVP, the first time the jump after the Aarau schafften began. Das Kunststück dependent on Isabelle Schmid. The Tegerfelderin has voted Manuel Tinner (Döttingen) out of parliament.

Theme Energieversorgung can be a mitentseparende signal

The «Green Change» could influence civil policy for four years. “Greta Thunberg has arrived in Zurich,” this Zeitung wrote in its commentary. The Swedish climate icon and the «Fridays for Future» movements in the region. Gleichzeitig wirkte der vom Schweizer Stimmvolk beschlossene Ausstieg aus de Kernenergie nach. The atomic structure with the Beznau 1+2 and Leibstadt nuclear power works is another region with more possibilities in the Energiewende confrontation.

The power supply continues to function for four years, but the world is a different one. The geopolitical bottom line has changed. In the Ukraine-Krieg it is a fact that the supply is vulnerable and can be absorbed by free energy. The result of the fragmentation: Can Switzerland generate its own energy with the new technology and look at nuclear energy?

The debate has begun: The Bundesrat has created a new work of atomic kraftwerk in 2017 and will start an entsprechende Vorlage.

Auch im Bezirk has brought the Parteien into Stellung. The theme energy can be used during processing, while the other energy sources are reused. The SVP has made it clear that Bau is the new AKW and has the Anspruch on the lost Sitz. Since the Grünen, the Gründung der Bezirkspartei that Frühling went on the Offensive, they could stand their ground, but on October 20th they said.

FDP will correct Schlappe

If the SVP is at the highest level at the Federal level, the foursome must and can cause an obstacle in the next phase, the war against the FDP dramatically. With a Wähleranteil von knappüber 10 Prozent the Liberals defeated the fourth Rang ab. Nur knapp davor lies the SP with beef 12 Prozent. The part that took place in 2012 was left behind.

Grosse Gewinnerin war 2020 die Mitte (damals nor CVP). There is a big star and a fan of the Zurzibiet that the Stärke zurück changes and vereinte 28.47 Prozent. After a long phase of backlash, the Party abolished the Turnaround.

All aspiring candidates are weeder

47 Candidates from the Bezirk broadcast auf eight Listen to couples in three weeks zur Wahl. Of the 2020 gewählten Grossrätinnen and Grossräten, Claudia Hauser (FDP, Döttingen), Hansjörg Erne (SVP, Leuggern), Patrick Gosteli (SVP, Böttstein) and Isabelle Schmid (Grüne, Tegerfelden) wieder an.

Monika Baumgartner (Mitte, Tegerfelden) is the driving force behind the country’s nachgerutscht. If Andreas Meier (Mitte, Klingnau) is in the Nationalrat de Sitz, Ruth Humbel will be in charge. SP-Mann Hans-Peter Hubmann from Schneising followed the Lengnauer David Burgherr. This whole year is Philipp Laube (Mitte) from Lengnau. There is a route for René Huber from the Leuggemer Ortsteil Gippingen nach.