
Robert Habeck prefers the 1000-euro job engine: criticism of a new citizen money premium

Robert Habeck prefers the 1000-euro job engine: criticism of a new citizen money premium

Gemeinsamer Kabinettbeschluss
Habeck paid the price of 1000 euros

A long-term loss of motivation results in a 1000-euro bonus after one year of employment. The criticism was praised and Foreign Minister Habeck was shown the German Stellung.

Economic Minister Robert Habeck has introduced a “anschubfinanzierung” for long-term losses in the Ampel government, which has taken up a job. The Green politician spoke of a practical and pragmatic Vorschlag. Davon benefited from the people who went into work, the social system and the Volkswirtschaft.

Habeck says it is a matter of collaboration with the professional organization, which is first in collaboration with the coalition partner and then can be financed with cabinet decisions. It is a fact that players, when they play the game with solten, have a fascinated decision when they are absolutized, when it becomes a critical issue.

Das Kabinett has a wide variety of schemes for Bürgergeld-Empfängerinnen and -Empfänger-beschlossen. If you can appeal to go bald with higher penalties. The rules are based on sole financial financing. Long-term loss, the more time to save money in a socially responsible work environment, will eventually cost 1000 Euro. Die Regelung soll zum 1. January 2025 in Kraft paper.

Criticism comes from one’s own Reihen

The socio-political speaker of the SPD Faction, Martin Rosemann, will stop the “Anschubfinanzierung”. After the criticism of the Ampel-Fraktionen, Rosemann said about the “Bild”: “The Anschubfinanzierung war is an American Wunsch by Robert Habeck. As Fachpolitiker of the SPD, we deal with the Thoughts, the Labor Ministry while we take care of it.”

CSU General Martin Huber was criticized for the “Bild”, the 1000 Euro premium was “blind to death, which would remain in the job for years”. Die Ampel has de sociable fried und gieße damit noch mehr oil ins Feuer. According to the CDU labor law, it is critical: “The natural waste of time is the joy of working during the week and with a lot of work being done,” says the Vorsitzende der Christlich-Demokratische Arbeitnehmerschaft ( CDA), Dennis Radtke, the Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.

There is a sequel to the FDP. Deren Haushaltspolitiker Frank Schäffler said: “Das Vorhaben ist ein Unding. De Ausgaben explodieren en jetzt schon. The Prämie must be stopped in the Bundestag.” Also in the owns Reihen stößt Habeck auf Widerstand: Der Grünen-Sozialpolitiker Frank Bsirske kept “die Prämie nicht für inheritorderlich”. We say the “Picture” is: “The people in the citizen money won’t have a job anyway if the odds are high.”