
Medizin-Nobelpreis 2024: US-Researcher for microRNA-Entdeckung geehrt

Medizin-Nobelpreis 2024: US-Researcher for microRNA-Entdeckung geehrt

The 2024 Medizin Nobel Prize is awarded to an American report for the analysis of microRNA. Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun are enthusiastic about one of the founding legends of generational regulation, which is the entity and function of essential organisms. There is a new perspective on medical research.

Nobel Prize, Medal, Nobel, Nobel Medal

Bahnbrechende Entdeckung in der Genetik

The Nobel Prize for Medizin 2024 has become a discovery, which has revolutionized the regulation of the generation. US-American Forscher Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun were used for their new groundbreaking microRNA device. These wintry RNA molecules play separate roles in controlling generation in organisms.

The analysis of microRNA is a fully-fledged new asset in genetics. Jede Zelle no longer has any questions about diesel-related information, but different Zelltypes with Muskel- or Nervenzellen weisen have unterschiedliche Eigenschaften auf. De von Ambros and Ruvkun describe mechanisms of generation regulation by microRNA to explain, which come from genetic “Gebrauchsanweisung”, through which many types of errors are likely to occur.

When the quick access to a new principle of generation is offered, the intention is for more organisms, one of the human beings, to pass through it.

Nobel committee

Vom Labor zur Clinical Anwendung

The Forschung of Ambros and Ruvkun have a greater implication for the Medizin. Fehler bei der Generegulation kan schwerwiegende Erkrankungen wie Krebs, Diabetes or Autoimmunerkrankungen auslösen. The high resistance of the microRNA mechanisms has been newly developed for diagnostic and therapeutic treatments.

Victor Ambros, born in 1953, studied at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Gary Ruvkun University, 1952, is affiliated with Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts General Hospital. Its development began in the 1980s at Harvard University and the development of preisgekrönten development.

History and controversies

The Medizin Nobel Prize reflects a long tradition. Since 1901, 227 Preisträger geehrt, darunter jedoch nur 13 Frauen. The Auszeichnung follows the will of Alfred Nobel for Leistungen, the “humanity brought to life by the great Nutzen”.

The official name of the preises is the medical treatment of physiology. This reflects the historical context more broadly, in physiology a very important field as heute abdeckte. So we are in the context of research and understanding of the narrative biology or biochemistry.

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  • Medizin Nobel Prize 2024 for Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun
  • Auszeichnung for the investigation of microRNA
  • Beitrag zur Generegulation und organismfunction
  • New perspective in meditative research
  • Bedeutung für Diagnosis und Therapy verschiedener Krankheiten
  • Forscher is a renowned American institution
  • Nobel Prize since 1901 and 227 Forscher verliehen, dared 13 Frauen

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