
With Biometrics for more safety: Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec offers innovative …

With Biometrics for more safety: Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec offers innovative …

DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH

With Biometrics with more possibilities: Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec presents innovative technologies at InCabin 2024

Hamburg/Barcelona (ots)

Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec, the joint venture of the German biometrics DERMALOG and the technology companies Rheinmetall, will present new innovations in the cabinet guard and the Fahrzeugzugangs at the InCabin 2024 in Barcelona from October 8 to 10. If you want to start a demonstration event for the first time, you must create the security system for safety and security combinations and continue live at the Messestand.

The Zeigten discharges are a broad spectrum of modern technologies for the distribution of warmth and comfort. The Driver Monitoring System allows you to pay attention to the computer in real time and allows you to pay attention to your smartphone. Because the expectation was so great that the accident risks would be reduced. This technology has a greater effect on traffic safety.

Another highlight is the seamless access, the classic automatic transmission through the conscious knowledge. This loss cannot provide more comfort, but a sister is more of a security, indem of a Zugriff on the Fahrzeug prevents wird – “Gesicht statt Schlüssel” is the motto here.

View the Airbag Suppression Technology that was originally available. While the installation of room and radar systems knows the system, the position of the airbags can be determined and a critical situation can be hindered, or an incorrect seat or if children in the air can be hindered, the operation of the airbags can be hindered . Dies sortt für zätzlichen Schutz im Fahrzeuginneren.

The core of the problem of Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec is the innovative Fusion of chamber and radar technology that provides intelligent intelligence for examining the Fahrzeuginsassen. This combination is light and not embarrassed by verhaltensmustern and tries to achieve a higher level of security.

Besucher der InCabin 2024 had the opportunity to use the technology live at stand 5 of Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec.

Pressure contact DERMALOG:

Sven Böckler
Media Relations
[email protected]
Tel.: +49 (0)40 413 227 – 0

Original content from: DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH, updated by newsaktuell