
Raumfahrt: Planetenverteidigungs-Mission mit Schweizer Beteiligung started

Raumfahrt: Planetenverteidigungs-Mission mit Schweizer Beteiligung started

Die "Hera"-Mission has started a Montag. (Symbol image)
Montag has started the “Hera” mission. (Symbol image)


The planet defense mission «Hera» has started. Um 16.52 Uhr Schweizer Zeit hob die Probe und Bord een Falcon-9-Rakete des privateen Raumfahrtunternehmens SpaceX ab, wie wie a Live-Übertragung des Starts. Think of Schweizer Forschende.

Since the European Raumfahrtagentur ESA has started in its own country, the planetary representation mission has begun.

“The mission in progress is an asteroid on collision course with the possibility of working,” says Martin Jutzi from the University of Bern in the starting field of the night-time agent Keystone-SDA.

Soul of the asteroid Dimorphos, in the American space agency NASA for the launch of the Dart-Mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), a probe that lies, one of the most common mistakes.

“Hera” is no longer active, was a battle with the Asteroids, which had a pointed hat. In 26 months the Raumsonde started with the Erasmus University Research.

eel, sda