
HBL: Löwen schlagen HSV, Frisuren-Spott für Kretzsche | Sports mix

HBL: Löwen schlagen HSV, Frisuren-Spott für Kretzsche | Sports mix

Four times in one fun game!

The Rhein-Neckar low set in 30:27 against the HSV Hamburg in the Daikin Handball-Bundesliga in the Spitzengruppe fest. A stronger Schritt nach nach der Zum-Vergessen-Saison in late year.

The most valuable moment of the day is the game: Dyn commentator Florian Schmidt-Sommerfeld introduced the handball expert – and the power is as fresh as it is fun!

Schmiso: “A meiner page: Stefan Kretzschmar. 218 Mal for the DHB-Auswahl, there were 821 Tore acquired — and 182 Frisuren received.”

Kretzsche laughs: “That’s stimmt! Have you already had a bad experience? Geiles Intro!” Schmiso trocken: “Die habe ich ich mir alle noch mal angeguckt.”

Stefan Kretzschmar 1999 at SC Magdeburg

Stefan Kretzschmar 1999 at SC Magdeburg

Photo: picture alliance / dpa

Before the game with Torwart legend Jogi Bitter (42), the letter Karriere had received and a great Vollzeit as Vize-Präsident at the Hamburg worker was put to an end.

Alle Fans in der Halle stehen auf — alle! Auch those Heim fans! The 2007 Weltmeister is extremely credible. Löwen-Boss Uwe Gensheimer has an overview of one of the wrapped bottles. Jogi winks and gives Applause der Zuschauer.

HBL: Rhein-Neckar Löwen schlagen HSV Hamburg

Kretzsche: “That’s a beautiful thing in a Klischee, oder! Zum Abschied gets man Alcohol! Huh?”

Schmiso: “That was auch mein erster Gedanke. Aber von Uwe Gensheimer would like to have other wishes. They know that it is the best, the roads of the region and all that.” They both laugh loudly and dreckily.

Bitter for Pause at Dyn: “That was rezerwarming. Toller moment.”

Teaser Image

Photo: BILD

More bitter scherzt Kretzsche: “Jogi Bitter is so good that it doesn’t bother my sister. If there are war checkers, the ball will have to happen some other time. If all goes well, the intellectual property, that job as a front sport or who the position at HSV-heißt is, has been resolved. Obwohl er Torwart ist! The truth is, man, Torhüter doesn’t have much of a passion for play. Aber ich glaube, bei Jogi ist bisschen else.”

The game takes place in the low start. First 4:1 (7.), then 7:4 (11.) — the HSV gleicht aber aus! 7:7 (13.)! Kurzer Schreck voor de gastgeber, de schnell wieder auf 10:7 (18.) abhauen konnen.

Wahnsinns-Szene: An Angriff is abgepfiffen. Neunmeter for the HSV. The Hamburger Niklas Weller runs to Tor, jumps into the ball, crosses the Neunmeter-Linie, moves around – and cleans the thing! Tor! Kretzsche erstaunt: “Nooooo!?” Schmiso exults: “Einfach genius!”

It’s in the Kabine at 4:13 PM. Kretzsche-Fazit zur Pause: “The HSV is causing damage in Angriff. It is not a good Leistung that will disappear here.”

After you start thickening the low temperature, the Geschehen will become larger. But six minutes before the end, the personnel war HSV arrived at 25:26!

Sensations Parade!Plötzlich flies ER ins Bild

Sensations-Parade!: Plötzlich flies ER ins Bild

Quelle: DYN

Wirbel in der 51. Minute: Löwen-Star Olle Forsell Scheffvert setzt zum Wurf an, banglt with two Hamburger zammen and bleibt verletzt am Boden lie. Kretzsche’s statement: “Der geht da aber auch rein! That’s 25 Hamburger drums!” Auch Juri Knorr lies in Boden, ihm then the left Daumen im Tape-Verband fixiert.

Am Ande zich die Löwen zum merit Sieg. Torwart Mikael Appelgren went out with Mega-Paraden in the final phase.

Hamburg’s Leif Tessier stöhnt nach dem Spiel bei Dyn: “We had two Pfiffe, who were not so much for us.”

Moderator Lea Rostek fragment ihn: “If Abpfiff does not have any discussion with the Schiedsrichter. What was your clearance request?”

Tessier: “If man doesn’t see that, then man doesn’t understand handball. The war is no longer possible. With all due respect. There is a certain amount of respect for the game and then it will take longer for it to be fragmented. I really couldn’t say more.”