
Ruhr area: Neuer Imbiss – bei den Peisen Gucken Kunden zwei Mal hin

Ruhr area: Neuer Imbiss – bei den Peisen Gucken Kunden zwei Mal hin

In the Ruhr area you must see and schliezen a meal in the Bottroper Gastromeile of the reisleine. Using “Pikilia to go” will fund a follow-up campaign.

Mario Grube, who now controls the locals in Bottrop, has the cargo under control. On Donnerstag (26 September) it took place at Gladbecker Straße 21 with Mampfen – the so-called Pommes, Currywurst and other Ruhrgebietsklassiker. DER WEST hat at the Neueröffnung der „Frittengrube“ mal vorbeigeschaut.

+++ Bochum: Beliefbter Imbiss schließt – now two weeks after Eröffnung +++

Ruhr area: “Frittengrube” celebrates Neueröffnung

Betritt man das Lokal der „Frittengrube“, thinks that man is not exactly a classic Imbissbude, but a small neat restaurant. Tische and Stühle were recorded in a modern style, which is pop music. I started discovering legends from music and movies, like Freddie Mercury, Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts.

There is a star that is of course in Essen’s Fietengrube. But Inhaber Mario Grube thought that it could be a combination of things. On the Instagram channel, Mario Grube has used the new “außergewöhnlicher Pommes-Creationen, die schakt en de geldbeutel-schone” for several years.

Frittengrube Bottrop
Fttengrube Bottrop: A portion of “Freddie mehr Curry”. Photo: Chaleen Goehrke/DER WESTEN

Deshalb hat er seinen Aimed at Namur gegeben. If you order “Freddie mehr Curry”, you will receive the Currywurst-Klassiker with Pommes and Röstzwiebeln for 7.90 Euro. “Fritty Woman” is the Falafel alternative with red hummus and guacamole for 8.90 euros. Wir dares a small little fried cart and for all “Freddie mehr Curry” with a safe sausage and the mild curry sauce.

“Billiges Frittchen” – a price comparison

If you focus on the ability to compose, a few dollars may be used as fruitful menus. Beim Blick on the Speisekarte will find a “Billiges Frittchen” for 3.50 Euro – the Sußkartoffel-Variante gibt is for 50 Cents more. Is the Portion Pommes so “billy”?

Frittengrube Speisekarte
Frittengrube Speisekarte Photo: Chaleen Goehrke/DER WESTEN

Vertraut man einer Hebung of Hello Fresh, the fresh taste, a German Durchschnittspreis for Pommes zu ermitteln, then make those “billigen Frittchen” in the name of all Ehre. Tested were 30 to 54 restaurants from 15 German cities, which in Pommes-Creationen both offer the Lieferplattformen Lieferando, Wolt and Uber Eats. A go-getter who won the study in Leipzig for a portion of pommes in the Meisten costs only 4.92 Euro. I give Dortmund 3.61 euros – in the deep fryer the portion also costs 11 cents.

Even more news:

A small sample in the Ruhr area said that the Pommes from the Fttengrube preislich gut absschneiden. A large portion costs Euro 4.50 at Frank Rosin’s “Glück auf-Grill” in Dortsten, Euro 3.90 at “Wurstwilli” in Dortmund and completely at Kult-Imbiss “Zum Xaver” in Essen zahlen Kunden laut Homepage nochmal deutlich weniger with now 2.40 Euro.

Of course, mistakes were not made naturally, that is possible for the Ambiente zahlen. And you have the “Frittengrube” with the schicken Einrichtung auf jeden Fall vom classical Imbiss ab.