
Erneut Flaschenwürfe at anti-Israel demonstration – Greta Thunberg wantendrin

Erneut Flaschenwürfe at anti-Israel demonstration – Greta Thunberg wantendrin

Berlin. “Ganz Berlin hasst die Polizei” is in Montagabend through Berlin-Kreuzberg. Protesters protect politicians and give tips to journalists with glass and plastic bottles. The second time you inform yourself about the Jahrestag of the Hamas Angriffs over Israel, is an Israeli-final demonstration in Berlin. Dieses Mal Mittendrin: the Swedish Climateivist and Israel-egnerin Greta Thunberg.

Read more after that Anzeige

Read more after that Anzeige

If there are a few of the police activities, more Mitstreiter schirmen with their “Palästinensertücher” photographers and camera teams can ab. Other demonstrators and demonstrators are business and policy journalists. Once the Schimpfwort “Lügenpresse” has fallen, there may be right-wing extremist demonstrations.

Zum Jahrestag des Hamas-Überfalls: Pro-Palästina demonstration in Berlin

During the year of the Überfalls der Hamas auf Israel, Hunderte Menschen in Berlin received an Israeli Kundgebung.

“From the river to the sea”

The Kundgebung am Südstern in Berliner Stadtteil Kreuzberg is having a great time. The police are concerned with the background. The support among the demonstrators became ever more intense. More information is available from the Police Verbotene Parole “From the River to the Sea – Palestine will be free”, with a “free Palästina” on the Gesamtheit of the Israeli State Territory that commanded the Fluss Jordan and the Mittelmeer.

Read more after that Anzeige

Read more after that Anzeige

If we make a request to the police to conduct an investigation, we can bring the issue of verboten paroles to another. A number of demonstrators reconcile the politicians with blocking the road. First comes the Schubsereien, then we fly to Flaschen – who is preparing for a German larger anti-Israel demo in the Tag Zuvor in Berlin.

Schubsereien and flying Flaschen

Von diesem Zeitpunkt is a rough, fried end of the Kundgebung can nor zu think. Because it is so low, someone can buy the Stimmung erneut hoch. Weitere Flaschen Fliegen, de Polizei has a schließlich Pfefferspray ein, um den Platz zu räumen. The deliveries, which were voluntary to distribute, were met by numerous demonstrators and demonstrators. Begleitet von Rufen wie “Ganz Berlin hasst the Polizei” and “Fuck the Police” urge and schubsen the Polizists in Berlin and Thuringia the Demonstrators schließlich vom Platz and in Richtung an adjacent Straße. If Greta Thunberg and her impostor do not volunteer, politicians will see the young Schwedin for her. More demonstrators were – even more so – festivized.

“Ruhm dem Widerstand” am the Jahrestag of Hamas-Massakers

The knowledge of the Jahrestags des Hamas-Massakers und Israeli Zivilisten were influenced by the Motto “Glory to the Resistance” – “Ruhm dem Widerstand”. On Instagram, a war is being waged extensively with a Kufiya person with a Steinschleuder zu sehen.

Read more after that Anzeige

Read more after that Anzeige

The Thunberg climate summit has put an end to the pro-Palestinian and Israeli-final position in the Verdingenheit. In January, Thunberg founded one of the radical pro-palästinensische Gruppierung in Leipzig, Israel accused a redebeitrag of the Genozids and insulted a Boykott des Landes. The start of the ‘Fridays for Future’ journey through the start of the ‘Fridays for Future’ movement has more than removed expectations from Thunberg’s delivery and positioning of the post-host conflict.

If the Lage Kreuzberger Zuid-Südstern lasts 21 hours, the escalation in Neukölln will take more kilometers as a result of the delay: Protesters will be driving on a road, with the help of police officers. The police deployed one of the demonstrators for the Ort fest. It’s a long night.