
Abfall aus Nuklearanlagen – Radioactive tax eater Schrott am Rhein? Befragung startet – Wirtschaft

Abfall aus Nuklearanlagen – Radioactive tax eater Schrott am Rhein? Befragung startet – Wirtschaft

Fessenheim (dpa/lsw) – France’s Committee for Public Debates (CNDP) will be erläutern, whoever the spotlight in the commenden Monaten bei der plants Schmelzanlage für schwach radioactive taxeten Schrott in elsessischen Fessenheim will be teiligt. The Gemeinde unmittelbar an der Grenze zu Deutschland is a location for an atomkraftwerk, which still lasts four years.

The new industrial project of the French energy companies EDF is unmanaged for Nachbarn Deutschland. The Baden-Württembergische Landesregierung and the Regierungspräsidium of Freiburg speak out about the construction of the techno center from the United States. These Entscheidungen were taken seriously in France.

The debate starts in February

Civic engagement began with the CNDP during Donnerstag and left on February 7. There are roads of the Grenznähe on Unterlagen auf Deutsch paintügbar. The debate takes place in the energy sector, which affects everyone and allows interested parties to imagine and take risks in the field of debate.

Industrial project soll 2031 fertig signal

EDF will die Schrottverwertung auf eenem bisher ungenutzten Fessenheimer Areal 2031 in Betrieb nehmen. About 450 million euros were invested. A power of 500,000 tons of metal can be obtained from France, and moisture is extracted from the secret atomkraft works. The material comes from the Australian country, it is in the project description. Before an end to the end of the treatment, it may not take longer before you do it anymore.

Frankreich committed himself to Atomkraft

It may be that both receive part of the Rhine from the Umweltschützern criticism, while being radioactive in other metals. Unlike Germany, France was committed to the provision of energy and the provision of climate protection systems on the Atomkraft Ausbau. President Emmanuel Macron will further develop the atomic sector in the country. The Atomkraftwerk Fessenheim is still located south of Colmar from the Grenze to Deutschland Wurde 2020 after 42 Betriebsjahren. Der Abriss started in 2026.

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