
Bewerbungen startedet – „Ziemlich fresh“ – Polizei wirbt mit Rapsong für Ausbildung – Panorama

Bewerbungen startedet – „Ziemlich fresh“ – Polizei wirbt mit Rapsong für Ausbildung – Panorama

Oranienburg (dpa/bb) – With Rap Music zum Erfolg? The police in Brandenburg are going on the Internet with the German language about a study and study program. 231 new research into the Monats on the Campus in the Polizeihochschule in Oranienburg begins to be, teilte the Hochschule on Anfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit. They move through their lives in the past and spend years after the year is still alive on a high level.

The first time that the police are active in the summer of April 1 and October 1. Pro Einstellungszeitraum würden etwa 220 Bewerberinnen und Bewerber gesucht. There are 137 plans for a three-year bachelor’s degree and 83 plans for a 2.5-year education. Brandenburg is one of the new Bundesländer, but it has only been one year since the creditor debts were continued, this will happen again.

Polizei will give Rapvideo junge Leute ansprechen

The Bewerbungen for the Frühjahr have begun. The Brandenburger Polizei is active on the Internet with a rap video entitled “Bewirb Dich”. ‘You look fresh in a blue uniform’ and ‘You don’t have any beautiful tattoos or tattoos, that’s normal. And if the problem is a problem, maybe it’s in the song. You see it in Gangster Film-Manier Streifenwagen, Wasserwerfer, a calling police dog, a spearhead commando with machines and a boat from the laundry protection police.

“Um our primary soul group of young people and young people who want to grow up, we must orient ourselves at the pulse of the time,” the content of the Hochschule mit. A hit with youth and young adults can no longer be as good as the German newspaper. It’s a good idea to watch the song and video and hear the positive reactions from the police.

A user in social networks immediately reported woolen messages about the college. When you view the clip on the police image or video, it will no longer be analyzed.


The SZ editorial team has articles with it an inhalation of YouTube angereichert

Since I was a child, I wouldn’t be able to get rid of my health insurance.

I have my own understandings, that’s mir Inhale YouTube were announced. Damit were Persons Bezogene Daten und de Betreiber des Portals zur Nutzungsanalyse übermittelt. More information and more detailed information can be found at

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