
Who noticed vitamin D on the meal label?

Who noticed vitamin D on the meal label?

The amount of Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus in the intestines are promoted and promoted by healthy Knochen, Zähnen and Muskeln at. Vitamin D has a vitamin D content in the vitamin: mithilfe von Sonnenlicht is raised above the highest self-esteem. What about vitamin D on offer on the tag?

Who noticed vitamin D on the meal label?

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) has approved Schätzwerte zum Tagesbedarf and Vitamin D. If you are in your tube for a long time, consider DGE without vitamin D. It would no longer be possible to produce vitamin D yourself:

  • Säuglinge (0 to 12 months): 10 µg/tag
  • Children (1 to under 15 years): 20 µg/tag
  • Jugendliche en Erwachsene (15 to 65 years): 20 µg/tag
  • Erwachsene (ab 65 Jahre): 20 µg/Tag
  • Schwangere: 20 µg/tag
  • Stilling: 20 µg/Tag

Viele Vitamin D Preparation was not added in µg/Tag, below the International Einheiten (IE). These were followed by the following by the DGE:

  • 1 µg = 40 International Units (IE); 1 IU = 0.025 µg

Gold-plated also for children and adults: If you spend a little longer time in the sun, you can take the DGE with preparations with a dosage of 800 IU to improve your vitamin D supply.

Internationally, we consider the Vorgaben zum Tagesbedarf grim: The National Health Service (NHS) in the Vereinigten Königreich beispielsweise gibt a Richtwert von 400 IE and – half of the DGE. The National Institute of Health in the US is set at 600 IU. The Endocrine Society has used a period of 1500 to 2000 IU, a blood pressure of 30 ng/ml in stops. It said: Self-employed administrators believe that the theme is not even a thing. There is vitamin D as an individual. If you expire the dosage with a mangle and the Körperweight, it will be removed. As a rougher guideline value: 10,000 IU with a Vitamin D level of 1 ng/ml.

Internist and material expert Helena Orfanos-Boeckel works in her book “Nährstofftherapie”, which contains vitamin D, is individual and very different. Laut der ztin können manche Menschen 800 IU Blutwerte von 50 ng/ml halten, others bräuchten 10,000 IU, um die Blutwerte zu erreichen. Im Durchschnitt brauchten Patients in ihrer Praxis met de HautTYPEs II bis IV etwa 4000 IE tag. All dosages were carried out in 2000 IU by Helena Orfanos-Boeckel in the best hands. Nur with an occupational diagnosis, a sinful therapy can be carried out.

A number of vitamin D tablets are available on the market, which have a higher dosage of 20,000 IU. These solutions were taken after Rücksprache with an Arzt. First symptom of a vitamin D supplement can be caused or induced. If you eat for a longer period of time, you can follow the following steps: Vitamin D is distributed by the body as a vitamin D vitamin.

Sonnenstrahlen: So Vitamin D hit the market

For healthy vitamin D nutrition, the DGE is warmed up over time for 25 minutes after 25 minutes. The Vitamin D über die Haut gebildet wird, sollten Gesicht, Hand en Poor nicht met Kleidung coveredckt sein.

Time, the man in his son’s words, cannot be rotten, hangs from Hauttyp ab. Brighter Hauttypes (1 to 3) are visible in the sun. After the Federal Office for Strahlenschutz abschätzen a man, a UV-Dose man can use a Sonnenbrand and now spend half the time in his sun work.

Dunklere HautTYPEs work together with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) with Risikogroep for a Vitamin D Mangel. While the higher pigmentation from the high UV radiation, the vitamin D level is not normal, the intestine cannot penetrate. If you also spend more time in the season, there is a vitamin D level available in the kitchen. The Swiss Federal Office for Health can help you orient yourself in the next days:

Especially UV-empfindliche Personen with brighter Haut as well as Children

Form tag Mittag Nachmittag
January and December >4h 1.5 to 2.5 hours zu little Exhibition
February and November 2.5 to 3.5 hours 30 minutes to 1.5 hours 2 to 3 hours
März and October 1 to 2 hours 15 min to 30 min 30 min to 3 hours
April and September 30 to 45 minutes 10 minutes 15 to 30 min
May and August 15 to 30 min 5 to 10 minutes 10 to 15 minutes
June and July 15 to 20 mins 5 to 10 minutes 10 to 15 minutes

Vitamin D for normal UV radiation by people with Mittelheller Haut

Form tag Mittag Nachmittag
January and December >5h 2 to 7 a.m zu little Exhibition
February and November 3 to 5 hours 45 minutes to 2.5 hours zu little Exhibition
März and October 1 to 2 hours 30 to 45 minutes 45 minutes to 2.5 hours
April and September 45 to 60 mins 10 to 20 minutes 20 to 60 min
May and August 20 to 45 minutes 10 to 15 minutes 15 to 30 min
June and July 20 to 30 minutes 10 to 15 minutes 15 to 20 mins

Few UV employees with dunkler Haut

Form tag Mittag Nachmittag
January and December >7am zu little Exhibition zu little Exhibition
February and November 4 to 8 hours 1.5 hours to 5 hours zu little Exhibition
März and October 2 to 4 hours 45 minutes to 1.5 hours zu little Exhibition
April and September 60 to 120 minutes 20 to 60 min 45 minutes to 3.5 hours
May and August 45 to 90 minutes 20 to 30 minutes 30 to 60 min
June and July 40 to 75 minutes 20 to 30 minutes 30 to 60 min

If you look at the table, you cannot use UV research by people in Germany from October to March on solar radiation without vitamin D supplements. There are many different types of products that work for four days in the free time, an intake of 600 IU and vitamin D produced – the temperature is not lower than autumn. By cooking in the winter on the vitamin D supplements in the diet and the muskelton, a sister can contain some of the vitamin D supplements.

These tables now serve as a guideline. When the DGE screams, the individual becomes a strong UV light. The Dauer der Sonnenbestrahlung is an extension of the Breitengraden.

Vitamin D value: Do you want to enjoy food more?

If you were to have Vitamin D in your hands, you would be a broke man. After RKI has added the 25-Hydroxyvitamin-D, an active vitamin D gemstone can be added. You may be able to change to Nanogram per Milliliter (ng/ml) or Nanomole per Liter a(nmol/l). Here’s the overview:

25(OH)D in ng/ml mögliche Auswirkungen
Vitamin D MangelRisk for: Knochenerkrankung in Kindern und Jugendlichen (Rachitis) Knochbildung (Osteomamalasia) Porose Knochen (Osteoporosis)
12 bis Suboptimal care
20 bis Ausreichend für die Knochen und de overall Gesundheit
≥50 Mögliche Überversorgung, met potentiallen Follow the general risks for: HerzrhythmusstörungenNierensteine ​​​​Überversorgung with Kalzium

Quelle: RKI and Institute of Medicine

Die good Mischung: Zutaten für eine ausgewährung Ernährung

Obst and Gemüse Saisonal and most regional einkaufen. Let it cook itself. With Kartoffeln, Reis or Nudeln combine and würzen. Go fast and schmeckt!

Tiefkühlgemüse and obst Tiefkühlware is a backpack. The only night is the high energy production at Anbau, Transport and Lagerung. “Natur”-Gemüse reflects individual desires. Preiswerter since a single kilogram of volume, so that you can use it carefully.

Kartoffeln Kartoffeln or other kartoffeln “natural” are without Dickmacher. It is possible that Potassium, Fiber, Flanzliches Eiweiß are used. Kartoffeln vom Blech, Pellkartoffeln mit Kräuterquark, Kartoffel-Gemüsepfannen.

Milch and Milchprodukte These lebensmittel can have a greater natural effect.

Hulsenfrüchte Gerade in Winter since Linsensuppen in all Variationen faith.

Kohlenhydrate Sauerteigbrote and Whole Wheat Brote are intestinal slowing and low in vitamins and fibres. Haferflocken zählen zu den gesündesten Lebensmitteln. They contain Vitamin K, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Selen, Vitamin K, Magnesium.

Nusse Besonders Walnüsse trumps with a lot of tasty protein, Vitamin E and many mineral substances. It’s a good thing for Herz and Hirn.

Wasser The kitchen has been waxed. Anyway, I’ll be a washer tomorrow, when I’ve spent the night in the Leitung, when I read, it’s quiet.

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