
Notarzt-Einsatz at “Bauer sucht Frau”: Für Heiner gives a Happy End

Notarzt-Einsatz at “Bauer sucht Frau”: Für Heiner gives a Happy End

Das Scheunenfest started in the 20. Staffel von „Bauer sucht Frau“ with Verspätung (Monday, 20:15 on RTL, or on RTL+). Start sweating. Follow the next steps. Bewerberinnen are still in the Bauern. Heiner (70) hates the Auftakte episode of „Bauer sucht Frau“ for the Aufregung Puls, zur Sicherheit kam der Staffelsenior ins Krankenhaus. Carry out a check and a warning in the packaging carried out by the Reitlehrer in the Scheune. Charming greetings from the ladies: “I have been so happy – so nervous I have been.” Schließlich entscheidet sich der “Pferdeflüsterer” (Selbsteinschätzung) for Erzieherin Ulrike (63).

Neben Heiner does not affect nor other Landwirte ihre Wahl. Kamelbauer Marvin (30) saves money from two to three. There are Eva (24) and Sabrina (34) with their Court, at Claudia, who are “not flashed”. Yannik (22) found it difficult to get an eins. The Lockenfan wants to weigh in on the “wild hair” Student Michelle (25) from. There is no safe locking of the candidates for fishing.

Hofwoche starts with “Bauer sucht Frau”

Nur onener kann sich partout not be separated. Heino (50) was at the Scheunenfest with his three men. Inka Bause (55) has left the beer fass and has gone into her “Sorgenkind” Heiner with a blond blonde. Manfred (38) and Susanne (39), who have had a competition for Scheunenfest, stop with their hands.

Heino doesn’t get any further than a divorce hearing. There is never a self-proclaimed “horny Typ” Björn and not the red selection of Tantra-Masseur Gernot. Stattdessen nimmt Heino de zurückhaltenden Markus (40) with auf den Hof, der gegen seine paintings Mitbewerber bisher blass blieb.

After the Scheunenfest de Hofwoche has started, the erasure of “Bauer sucht Frau” fans from the letzten is 20 years. Once you knew this, it is true that the Bauern wollen wollen mit the gefährten, who bring their Auserwählten from the Bahnhof to their Court.

Andreas (29) has Lisa-Marie (31) in a Trecker with Planwagenanhänger ab. Auf seinem Wesen wartet schon seine Familie. That begrüßt begeistert the Court Lady. The Eltern is nauzed in a segment with Hündin Kyra.

Manfred enjoys a golden Oldtimer for. There is “heizt durch die Prärie”, with insulting Verdeck and seeing Susanne and Bord. In the signaler it was a goal-oriented young boy who Susanne did not take seriously, while Manfred now had no good choice, but Köchin ist.

Inka Bause shows great Geschütz at “Bauer sucht Frau”

Yannik came with the Geschmücktem Traktor, while Michelle used the Fahrerkabine de Nähe, a Tuchfühlung zu gehen. Geschlafen how it goes, the schüchtern is no more. The stubborn Yannik stands up tight and lobs the wind in his “wild hair”. Angekommen am Hof ​​​​freut sich Michelle über ein breites Bett: „It is not unrealistic, that’s here too, but we can enjoy it!’

Marcel (29) is neither lockier than Michelle. Der wuschelhaarige Mutterkuhhalter kutschiert seine “cuddly” Court lady Jasmin (30) with a LKW. So the great Geschütz goes in 20 years “Bauer sucht Frau” kaum, kommentiert Inka Bause aus dem Off. When you receive a plate, Jasmin is first greeted once by Marcels Blaskapelle. If the Court is free when he is the Lämmer, and it is slightly irritated when he reausstellt, then Marcel the Jungtiere does not stop his Knuffigkeit, then it is true that he becomes bald when Schlachtmesser comes.

Jenny (53) comes from Sweer (63) near Pferd ab. When Zügel stops with a sweat Ross. Damit Sweer can, that is a strong can. For the East Frisians, life is like a Ponyhof. Part of the Betrieb reiten is and Jenny will work in her private home. After all, Jenny jetzt auf der Couch, because Ihr Hofmann das Bett bekommt.

Inka Bause has been gilded since 2005 as an Aushängeschild for the Kuppelshow “Bauer sucht Frau”, but kürzlich sprach sie plötzlich übers Aufhören.

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