
Krankenhaus Heilig Geist: Kreis, Stadt und Stiftung übernehmen Defizit – Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis

Krankenhaus Heilig Geist: Kreis, Stadt und Stiftung übernehmen Defizit – Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis

The transactions take longer if they are planted, but jetzt ist the Unterschrift under the Vereinbarung trocken: The Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, the Stadt Boppard and the Stiftung »Hospital zum Heiligen Geist« verpflicht sich therein, Fehlbeträge des Bopparder Klinikums until the end of de 2025 gemeinsam auszugleichen.

Because we finally died in the summer of 2024, we became a foursome through the foundation and the jewels through the development of the Kreis and the city. During the year 2025, the jewels of a Drittel disappeared. The prize has been awarded for an amount of 2,025 million euros.

The Kreistag has gemeinsame Verlustübernahme zur Bedingung dafür, dass der Landkreis das GKM in een sogenante Betrauungsakt damit beauftragt, the Krankenhausbetrieb in Boppard weiter sicherzustellen. I started by setting up the automatic settings and the GKM details. If all betrauungsactivities are settled, the Kreis-, Stadt- und Stiftung-enterprises will dispel the debts.

Zentrale Voraussetzung is the basis for the development of a successful development concept. That’s right now until February 2025.

Landrat Volker Boch looks at the Australian limit of the intensive treatise: »We are able to find a solution for the future of our patients who have been living in a hospital setting. Boppard can find the answers, there is a legacy for the combined region.« Auch Stiftungsvorstand Dr. Olaf Döscher is clearly visible: » If you have had a great time, it is a matter of living for the Bopparder Krankenhaus in gestalten. The Community Work in the Region and City that does this is a real opportunity for the community. The Boppards Citizen Meister Jörg Haseneier en ergänzt: The Community Work for the Swiss Region, City and Foundation is a great success.