
Russian Hackfleisch-Manti from Food-Influencer Paul Schönfeld

Russian Hackfleisch-Manti from Food-Influencer Paul Schönfeld

  1. Rosenheim24-de
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  3. Einfach Delicious

There is a traditional Russian delicacy, which originated in the Zentralasien style and continues in Russian and American cuisine.

These small, steamed teigtaschen were filled with safe fresh, spicy and aromatic flavors and as an absolute well-being. The time it takes to spend a certain amount of time, after the big things have happened, will often be done with the acid or a würzigen service – it is true that you should be. As a main course or as one of the most festive buffets, Manti brings the aromas of Russian cuisine to the Tisch and inspires with its fresh Geschmack.

Paul Schönfeld, from the leading hobby chef, hinted at the Instagram account @paschatv, brought everything together to the Theme Essen. Sein Herz goes further than traditional Rezepte aus dem osteuropäischen Raum. Whether the Kazan is on the stove, the Mangal-Grill or the Tandir – Paul has found the most commonly used cooking methods and will be authentically oriented, which is in the cultural verwurzelt. Seine Follower has started cooking rustic recipes that inspire zum Nachkochen. It is a statement that the Russian Manti – herzhafte Teigtaschen, the perfect way to quiet your kitchen and bring German cuisine straight to your home.

Manti: A traditional Festmahl with Wurzeln in Zentralasien

These small, muted religions are common in Russia, the Turks and the Countries of the Ehemaligen Soviet Union. The Zubereitung and Füllungen may vary in each region, but Manti symbolizes both Gemeinschaft and Gastfreundschaft. Often the festivities or large family relations were served, but their deception as Wohlfühl- and Tradition-oriented was not taken to heart.

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