
Switzerland and the global Krieg: Positionierung trotz Neutralität?

Switzerland and the global Krieg: Positionierung trotz Neutralität?

The States and the NATO East Flank are given Patience. Zur Diskussion stehen Sanktionen tegen Staaten, where the Russian-Chinese Kriegsanstrengungen begin.

Before the Justizpalast in Warsaw had a thought and the Warsaw Uprising lasted from August to October 1944, the German Besatzer died.

Before the Justizpalast in Warsaw had a thought and the Warsaw Uprising lasted from August to October 1944, the German Besatzer died.

Image / KM Krause

A Panzerkette is located in the Rote Backsteinmauer der Johannes-Kathedrale in Warsaw. It is unseen in a lifetime and is still an oppressive memory of one of the most sensible moments of the second world war: the SS was insured in 1944, since the war was not without its consequences.

The Red Army, the time in which the Zeitpunkt vorgerückt a war through the Weichsel, supported the Morden and Brandschatzen, ohne einzugreifen, einfach zu. The Polnische Widerstand provides an overview of the Polish state symbols. The Nazis are sorry for the Soviets who are Drecksarbeit. Stalin, the Dictator in the Kreml, is said to have taken over his power after the West. Poland is still in the Krieg, so things may go well.

Trotzdem de Warschauer in the Altstadt as comfortably as possible with the original version. From the 1950s onwards, the inner hall of the historic city will quickly become old if the Verheerung does not change. A Will Act, a revival, an action of “Nie wieder”. Although Poland is not yet lost, the first Zeile der Polnischen Hymne, the «Marschs Dombrowski», is insulting to the Muslim Communists and Gültigkeit.

The NATO Eastern Flank as the Core of Resiliency against Russia

While general power politics attacks the Warsaw Security Forum, jewels in the spice separation struggle and the transatlantic Security Politics are brought together. Krieg are a Kampf des Willens, and der Wille der Ukraine, the Krieg has been won, it is famous as der Russlands, says a retired general and a podium.

Gegenüber dem Diskurs in der Schweiz works on the Forum with a Parallelwelt. If the afflicted in Switzerland are so abstract, in Poland it is a real reality. The fragmentation is not, but the best army may have grown completely apart, but the divisions are probably a Russian outburst of anger and a short period of kidnapping.

The Wehrwille supports the NATO eastern flank on Zweifel. The forum has lost its connection with other parts of Western Europe. Statt über de Berliner Leisetreterei und de coarse, aber eigentliche wirkungslosen Worte in Paris zu spotten, voordert das Warsaw Security Forum im Jahresbericht 2024, das Weimarer Dreieck wiederzubeleben.

Die Gesprächskreis Swiss Poland, Deutschland and Frankreich Entstand 1991, an end to the Kalten Kriegs that are extra- and security-politic Integration, fell when the Eisernen came out of the war. Since the Warsaw Aufstand and the Vertreibung der deutschen Bevölkerung aus de Gebieten östlich der Oder und der Neisse were not in a lifetime fun years.

The lives of the people in the year 1944 were completely safe in Warsaw. Ein Soldat der Polnischen Heimatarmee waits on the Strasse.

The lives of the people in the year 1944 were completely safe in Warsaw. Ein Soldat der Polnischen Heimatarmee waits on the Strasse.

Picture Post / Hulton Archive / Getty

Iran stands at the Mittelmeer

We will repeat in the coming years what the low base legend is: Poland has regained the security political center of the Krafttentfaltung in Europe and the resilience of Russia. One of the ways in which Weimarer Dreieck carries out the EU demonstrations, from Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, can all be different or even a gemeinsamen Weg.

Now that there is a Europe that has helped Schutz, the State Secretary is unable to achieve the new power political goal. The infinite Krieg Russlands area has its value in the interior of the continents. Insondere Deutschland will be destabilized and dismantled by NATO. When China looks, an EU state sees its own page.

The European autocracy – China, Russia, Iran and North Korea – has given the West longer and more economies of scale: I am offended in Ukraine, after the conflict in the east of Eastern Europe, it is a global issue of consolidation. Iran has not left Israel, but the West has joined in. The regime in Tehran has become a narrower Zweckverbündeter Moskaus and Waffenlieferant.

As a result, Iran will continue to fight with military forces in the Middle East: indirectly over the terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon, independently of the Association of Revolutionary Guards in Syria, and next to the verbal troops of the Russian Army. So if Ukraine goes against Russia, Israel goes against Iran against Wehr.

Neutral – aber gegenüber wem genau?

Noch deutlicher ausgedrückt: The Ukraine and Israel fight in the Krieg gegen de gleichen Gegner, einfach in unterschiedlichen Kontexten. The often justified criticism of the Israeli population has turned into anti-Semitism in Europe. De fortschreitende Spaltung der Western Gesellschaften ist Absicht en schwächt in de Ukrainian Verteidigungskampf.

These ideas are global critiques of European power that in the West exemplify a Warsaw Security Forum knitting consensus. Especially because of the integration of the relationship in the Love Chains. The Russian army takes refuge in the North Korean grenades and Iranian Drohnen of Ukraine. Zudem has become Russia and a technological junior partner in China.

The regime in Beijing can no longer return to Nahen Osten, nor in Europe directly, but Russia will lose the Krieg as little as possible to Ukraine. The Chinese strategy is based on popular dominance and focused on Taiwan. Let go of the other pages of the major European continents, the US is one of the largest spheres around.

Lin Fei-fan, the Stellvertretretende Generalsekretär des Rats für nationale Sicherheit of Taiwan, said unmistakably in Warsaw: “China is not a Friedensstifter, under the Treiber of Konflikten.” The warning is aimed at Switzerland, which is on the edge of the Uno-Generalversammlung at the end of September for a Chinese-Brazilian Friedens initiative that has been tried.

With a solution for a neutral political role, the Schweiz will take its strategic position. Kiev hat in Bern protests as Ukraine’s territorial integration into the former China and Brazil is lifted. This neutrality is no longer important in a prosperous Angriffskrieg. If we see the Frage, we will be the Schweiz neutral at all – and above all, gegenüber wem.

“But it cannot be the end of history”

In addition to the situation, criticism would increase in the east of the country. An Israeli Air Force, which has found an Iranian trifft, who will conduct a zero-travel probe: is the trade a legitimate activity of self-defense or a preventive measure in the gray area of ​​people’s rights? The Uno-Sicherheitsrat tags gegenwärtig a Swiss Vorsitz and would thus or so befassen with der Lage.

The Switzerland would never have received a herumkommen, Position zu beziehen. For a passage or Widerstand. For our own democrats, constitutional law principles or the legal equality of the law. For a minimum of universal institutions or anarchist gains after small gains. Although the Schweiz himself can be separated, he or she will.

Der Druck von aussen dürfte steigen. In Warsaw, the state panels have changed, but the Russian-Chinese Kriegs strength is being strengthened or is no longer there. It is a matter of presenting Switzerland with a dilemma: no paths in Russia, but paths to trade enthusiasm in China. Denn Aussenpolitik is an Aussenwirtschaftspolitik in Bern.

Switzerland and China have had a free trade agreement for years, economics at a higher level – and assured self-determination in the EU in the EU. But das Machtgebaren Beijings en de Verhärtung in Chinese-Westliche Verhältnis, Handel could einschränken or completely unterbrechen.

While most of the time risks are reduced, the Schweizer KMU will continue to operate in China: nur, a proprietary investment company, will continue to make personal investments and trauens transactions for a few more years. It is a mistake if the Bundesrat has a problem and so foreign trade in China will run smoothly. The Entscheidung für die Freiheit is schmerzhaft en braucht Zeit.

Während a military parade in August 2024, a soldier flew with a Polish flag over Warsaw. The picture is clear: Poland is best, proud of all invasions and Teilungen in der Vergangenheit.

Während a military parade in August 2024, a soldier flew with a Polish flag over Warsaw. The picture is clear: Poland is best, proud of all invasions and Teilungen in der Vergangenheit.

Image / Pawel Wodzynski

It is a hilarious experience when the Schweizer policy has one eye and the NATO Eastern Flank uses other weapons. Von Polen got to know free time. The existence of the political state is one of the strong symbols that enter into the power political struggle. «Not whoever» he means here «not whoever Unterdrückung», «not whoever Unfreeheit», but wenn der Preis dafür hoch ist. Die Schweiz is no longer gewohnt, so it is a consequence of the trade.

One of the last Funksprüche des Warschauer Widerstands Wurde in London was recorded: «Ein Volk, in dem Solche Taferkeit life, is unsterblich», the British Kriegs Prime Minister Winston Churchill dies of the Botschaft of Freien Polen in his Memoirs. «The Martyrium Warschaus» gave Churchill the separated Aufstand: «But cannot be the end of the History signal.» Dieser Imperativ gilded auch heute.