
15 Jahre Highlights Munich: Renommierte Kunstmesse

15 Jahre Highlights Munich: Renommierte Kunstmesse

Die Stärke der Highlights Munich is the excellent Auswahl and Kunstwerken. As a stage for other art, for modern and timeless art, the list of internationally renowned exhibitors is 15. Munich HIGHLIGHTS the position of the fair as the flagship of the German art trade. This high art and antiques fair in the German language area is a man who can no longer be considered a Münchner NICHT!

Munich Highlights
One of the three Kunstmesse-Geschäftsführer: Christian Eduard Franke-Landwers and his stand. Gemeinsam with Juana Schwan and Dr. Alexander Kunkel is responsible for the Kunstmesse. Photo credit: Jens Bruchhaus

More than 50 Ausstellers, who support the powerful German art dealers and renowned gallerists in Ausland, are the Guarantors of a high-quality fair, market fresher and curated works of art of international formats.

Allein 11 Handler is a representative of TEFAF in Maastricht and brings the brilliance of the global art markets to the fair. Darunter dies Kunstkammer Georg Laue, Beck & Eggeling International Visual Arts and there Modern gallerist Thomas von Salis. First of all, the highlights of the HIGHLIGHTS are the result of contemporary art focus Hamburger Galerist und Tefaf chairman Hidde van Seggelen.

Manolo ValdésLa Doble Imagen 2018, Mischtechnik on Leinwand 150 × 228 cm Beck and Eggeling
Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art says Manolo Valdés, La Doble Imagen 2018, Mischtechnik on Leinwand 150 × 228 cm

With the Circle of Kenners, Specialists and Experts in their Fachs, they lose the elegant and comprehensive Munich HIGHLIGHTS as well as in their names: they are open to the public, bedeutsame Kunstwerke hohen Ranges, the Museum Curators and Private Collections.

Future perspectives of the Boutique-Kunstmesse

In October we will open our Munich HIGHLIGHTS on October 15. Kontinuität und Offenheit für nouvelle Tendenzen es parte des Konzepts die a feinen Boutique-Messe. I think it is, in some architectural aspects of the time, which is different from modern and zeitgenössische art. “That is our DNA,” says Message director Juana Schwan. “And yet I have created a new Schritt, the Messe went, strengthened our mission and linked tradition with the love of art.”

Besonderen Ausdruck findet dieser Leitgedanke in einem Zuwachs an Contemporary-Vertreternthe Messe program has been updated with a new facet. Make sure things go well Galerien wie Gebrüder Lehmann, Galerie Commeter, Salon Hamburg, Nanna Preußnersaber auch Knust Kunz Gallery & edition anyway Benden & Ackermann and Wolfgang Jahn Gallery.

The Nightest Generation of Artists

In cooperation with the Online Gallery Wunderkunst it is a valuable experience HIGHLIGHTS-Lab. For the zeitgenössische art remains intact Photo specialists Elka Jordanow, Ira Stehmann Fine Art and Galerie Stephen Hoffman.

Highlights Munich - Ira Stehmann Fine ArtChristopher Thomas Theatinerkirche 2024 Pigment print on watercolor arches Paper 135 x 103 cm
Ira Stehmann visual arts Zeigth Christopher Thomas Theatinerkirche 2024 Pigment print on Aquarelle Arches Paper 135 x 103 cm

Die Moderne in Fokus

Classical Modernism and German Expressionism have had a strong influence on the internationally best networked and competent art handler who Thole Rotermund, Kunkel Visual Arts Oder Art dealership Freller and Gallery Jörg Maaß. Das Angebot is becoming very durch Gilden’s Art Gallery from London and its consequences Gallery Thomas Salis.

After a short break it’s wiederum badger Austrian Duo Wienerroither & Kohlbacher digest. Classics of nachkriegskunst are described by the profile of Galerie Ludorff, Galerie Schwarzer, Galerie Koch and Sylvia Kovacek from Vienna. This is the Knower who sees the Time Michael Schwarze visual arts anyway Gallery Florian Sundheimer. Felix Jud & Co offer as classic Antiquariat Bibliophiles, Autographen und Grafik. Emanuel von Baeyer from London and Moeller & Cie. Since the Zeichnungen differschiedener Jahrhunderte spezialisiert.

Museum quality guaranteed

Für Meisterwerke verganger Epochen is de Porzellanspezialisten Röbbig Munich and Langeloh porcelain from Weilheim First-Class-Addresses. Ausgewählte Möbel and Kunsthandwerk from museums Quality offers Peter Muhlbauer and Art dealer Christian Eduard Franke anyway Art dealer Dr. Steeb and Ralph Gierhards Antiques. Die Kunstkammer Georg Laue from Munich and Zebregs & Röell Visual arts and antiques from the Netherlands present art, natural and scientific research from the Renaissance and the Baroque. Zeitlich dazu corresponden de Exponate des Skulpturenspezialisten Dr. Rainer Jungbauer.

Auf Silber spezialisiert since Helga Matzke – European silver and that Kunsthuis Kende. Who knew Christopher is one of the interior specialists Ehrl Antiques the Crossover from the time of 1800 to history. Die Wiener Moderne vertritt die Gallery at der Albertina – Zetterhow nice Gallery Stefan Vogdt auf Mid-Century-Designklassiker konzentriert. Historically decorated textiles and teppiche come from the range Max Lerch. High quality Schmuck from the 18. and 19. Years and the large Jewelry collections from the 20. Years heard from Programm of VKD Jewels, Art and Antiquities Almut Wager and The old treasury. ZUR LIST DER AUSSTELLER!

Zum ersten Mal @Highlights Munich

Auch 2024 bereichern Kunstmesse-Neuzugänge Die Galerie, die Galerie Zink, Marco Pesarese Fine Art, Galerie Herold, Galerie JJ Heckenhauer, Jarmuschek + Partner anyway Döbele Kunst Mannheim auf der Munich HIGHLIGHTS aus. You can concentrate on classic modern and contemporary art. You cannot specialize in photography anymore Suite 59 Gallery from Amsterdam.

highlights Munich Kunstmesse
HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR MUNICH in the Residenz Munich. Photo credit: Jens Bruchhaus
Opening times for the Kunstmesse:
17. to 20. October 2024
Donnerstag, October 17, 2024, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m
Freitag, 18. to Sonntag, 20. October 2024, 11 am to 7 pm

More of the Rahmen program and expanding content is on the art fair website!