
Resolved against Arsenal – Bayern-Frauen for Champions League Start: “Kommen näher” – Bayern

Resolved against Arsenal – Bayern-Frauen for Champions League Start: “Kommen näher” – Bayern

Munich (dpa) – The football players of FC Bayern Munich became a Tages who won the Champions League after an overview by the trainers Alexander Straus. “Ich glaube, wir kommen näher,” said the Norwegians before the game of the new Champions League match against FC Arsenal in the Mittwoch (6.45 p.m.). “I’m glad, we won irgendwann. Davon bin ich 100 Prozent überzeugt.“ It is true that the Frauenfußball-Abteilung des Clubs are nachhaltig verbessern. “That’s not cool. We wish we would be happy.”

Nationally, Bayern has won three titles in four years at VfL Wolfsburg as number one in the German Frauenfußball. Internationale dauert es noch. Best prize in the Champions League semi-final war. In de Vergangen Saison-War schon in der Gruppen phase Schluss.

“Bayern war was in the semi-final. We will buy a woolen tie,” says Straus. “If we want to do something different with other teams, our own people can do it. We can’t have 40 players in our country.” The legal status in the Champions League has increased over the years.

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