
DAX more than 19,000: Porsche and BASF tiefrot – Munich Re and SAP grim

DAX more than 19,000: Porsche and BASF tiefrot – Munich Re and SAP grim

Konjunktursorgen and the geopolitical low impulses given on the German Aktienmarkt are reluctant. Gleichwohl konnte der DAX, als weiterhin auf hohem Level moves, de Marke von 19.000 Punkten am Dienstag halten. Zum Handelsende noted with 19,066 Points 0.20 Prozent unter seinem Vortagesschluss.

The strong American trading market data from foreign investors, which is confiscating the monetary policy of the US-Notenbank, says analyst Jochen Stanzl of Broker CMC Markets. So schwanden after the dating of the floor on new German sinks, nor in those years. What the American inflation dates were in the further Wochenverlauf.

The last thing Stanzl has done is the Chinese government of new konjunkturmaßnahmen on the Kursen, for example on the geopolitical layer in Nahost.

Zykliker schwach, defensive Werte grim

In that environment, all other important industries are under pressure, including the automotive, chemical and steel industries. I am DAX on the paper of Porsche AG with a negative of four products that hint at the find. The title of BASF’s chemicals is hardened with minus 3.6 percent besser.

Gefragt were hinged Aktien von Unternehmen, who always acted as defensive gilts. Hannover Rück und Munich Re gewannen jeweils fast eeninhalb Prozent. It is now no longer a one-way trip, but another Sturm is a stormy hurricane on the part of the US and Mexico, where Anleger is a bit calm at first. Benefits can be obtained from the Aktie des Versorgers E.on und des Softwarekonzerns SAP.

Delivery Hero and Redcare in Fokus

I am MDAX set to Delivery Hero’s action in Erholung Fortress. With a Plus of four Prozent, the highest level is 14 months. Börsianer verwiesen op de Kapitalmarkttag van het Tochter Talabat, in de Geschäft in Nahen Osten und Noord-Africa gebündelt ist. The market is looking at a $20 million market value for this one and it makes sense with the case now. Talabat soll noch im vierten Quartal an die Börse in Dubai comes.

Delivery hero
(WKN: A2E4K4)

The action of Redcare Pharmacy büßte 1.8 Prozent ein. Under the title “Greift Redcare nach DocMorris?”, Apotheke Adhoc reported on Speculations on the Borse, Redcare can help the Swiss competitors DocMorris über kurz or long einverleiben. Die Anteilscheine von DocMorris were fragt in Zürich.

Redcare Pharmacy
(WKN: A2AR94)

With material from dpa-AFX

Tips for interesting information
Mr. Bernd Förtsch, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, is one of the most important positions in the publications that are becoming increasingly profitable after the following financial instruments or resulting publications: Porsche AG, BASF, Munich With regard to.

Tips for interesting information
Mr. Leon Müller, the gentleman of the Herausgeberin Börsenmedien AG, has determined the publisher’s position in the publication by developing financial instruments or derivatives available here, which are created by the publication and result in profit growth: Hannover Rück, SAP .

Tips for interesting information:
Aktien der München Find this in a Real-Depot of Börsenmedien AG.