
SPD: Matthias Miersch übernimmt de heart tests Job der Politik

SPD: Matthias Miersch übernimmt de heart tests Job der Politik

Miese Umfragen, schlechte Stimmung: Matthias Miersch, from the new SPD General Secretariat, will take his share and Kanzler. Could there be errors?

The photographers assume they are having fun as they lounge around with their telephoto lenses on the fahrstühle in the Willy Brandt house. In any case, if the new SPD Spitzentrio is on the first gemeinsamen images, whoever pulls up after a short time, sweeps away the active protection of the social democracies.

Once you’re free, it’s time to relax and enjoy your time in the Treppe in the gut-filled Atrium of the Berliner Parteizentrale. In this small autumn it is not possible to text. Dieser Auftritt must sitzen, that knows all the meanings. All of Matthias Miersch, who has the most popular job, is the Berlin political party that has gained power: SPD-Generalsekretär.

In the 55th century we followed Kevin Kühnert, the tags would come from the healthy gründen that returned for a longer time. Kühnert is an Ende Seiner Kräfte type, full of prospects with an Ende der Geduld Seiner Genossen, who were not very happy with the performance of the E-instigen Hoffnungsträgers as Wahlkampfmanager.

It is no longer the case that it is better to use the Genossen. It is a miracle that the Mittlerweile miracle, an Olaf Scholz as Kanzler, survives. If the Bundestagwahl only lasts a few years, the irresistible signals will be poured into concrete, which awaits in the party.

Warum sollte man die dem Strong Social Democracy in Rechnung? The Antwort is not on the Hand, but it is the case that Matthias Miersch, now waiter Lautsprecher and Organizer of the German Social Democracy. Follow the new Hoffnungsträger in Willy-Brandt-Haus through a “verdammt großen Verantwortung”. It is bad that the SPD general has been given a job, when it comes to the fact that the mirror has a power that is offensive to politics, while the SPD faction and political politics have been nervous for a long time.

When he clicked on such a person with a click on the old Bundestagwahl, Lars Klingbeil, the party, said he was “somewhat safe”. Professionalism, clarity and a compass come together in your family’s campaign and home. “The SPD has asked a big question,” says co-chief Saskia Esken.

Because the SPD leaders were made to think immediately and immediately, this is the right choice for Miersch. Die schlechte: Der Erfolgsdruck is gigantic, just like the Fallhöhe.

The new SPD General Secretary will say “einfacher Ja-Sager”.

Letztlich liegt de Enttäuschung vaker Genossen with Amtsvorgänger Kevin Kühnert auch in the hohen erwartungen begründet, which were further developed. Klare Rhetorik is one of those organizations that are other organizations – and in this job it is likely that we will benefit from it. If Juso-Chef Kühnert makes a conflict, she will speak up – Damit will be the big coalition for her, not her own party. Apply the perfect profile to a general profile.

Stubborn. If in 2021 in Amt gewählt wurde, Kühnert must rhetorically abrüsten, plötzlich the Kurs der Kanzlerpartei represent – political freedom for oneself, the stets auf Angriff played hatte. With a Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, everything else as popular, some of the power is no longer illuminated.

I think it’s a good idea, an article with no questions at all, but the answering journalists who deal with these kinds of issues. If everything is different, and the modern Medizin is no longer able to get out of the 55 years, now the brand has become light. Stimmt natürlich, auch insofern, dass Miersch deutlich more Erfahrung as sein Vorgänger mitbringt – nicht jijetzt in Führungs- und Organizationsfragen.

Since 2015 he has been chief of the SPD Links in the Bundestag, since 2017 he has been the Stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender and since 2019 he has been the Vorsitzender in SPD-Bezirk Hannover. If you are still busy with the trade by the Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich. The next karrièreschritt war is now a fragment of time, but it will be a long time before we can read it. “It’s a good thing that everyone is happy in my life,” said Miersch, who is responsible for the posts of the General Secretary.

Darin will take a new action, so fell on the German Service. If you are engaged in the exercise of a profession of a weighty role in the Wahlkampfplanung-spielen, the profile of the profiles will be carried out in the desired manner. Schließlich gilten both as self-conceived Niedersachsen with own Köpfen. Another Lower Saxony, who lives in Hamburg and Potsdam, is proud to say that he has made a great impression: Olaf Scholz.

I know that the Kanzler has been in the world all his life, he said clearly: “I was not bequem and a single Ja-Sager signal.” The Klingbeil house is a light-hearted view. While the SPD chief stood up for Kanzler, he is in favor of a diktat from his Erwartungen der Partei, who will be impatient with his Frontmann world.

“These Partei muss miteinander ringen en streiten”, Miersch thought, in his opinion it was “completely false, as all the current rules appear.” This is the duration of the SPD-Spitze-grundsätzlich impress. You have fragmented the power over the conflict lines in the SPD – and the money has become so lonely with the “sogenannten Security Paket” (Miersch) or the stationing of the US Rockets in Germany. That is also not the case, you can befriend.

Miersch-Satz’s next tip is that most social democracies can convince each other: “Diese Merz-CDU verkörpert so everything, for that is not true.” Der Ton für den Wahlkampf, er seint schon mal setzt.