
Trump is secretive about Corona tests and Putin is having fun

Trump is secretive about Corona tests and Putin is having fun

New research by American journalists Bob Woodward about Donald Trump’s contacts in Moscow: If the American President is proud of his country’s reputation, secret Corona tests and Russian President Wladimir Putin are geschickt and if he comes out of the team, the Kreml chief is more willing to die from the new book ‘War’ (Krieg), while Woodwards has highlighted the ‘Washington Post’ at the service.

Trump has undone his further personal contacts with Putin over the years and the Krieges in Ukraine and proud to be the candidate for the Presidential Meeting on November 5. As the 2020 Corona pandemic rages, Trump conducted a Corona test and shocked the Russian president.

Putin has made a comment, Trump has said that the secret to quit is: “I might not, because you are happy, then those people would be willing to let me know,”said Putin who follows Trump.

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Woodward no longer has a name for Helfer Trumps, but he will have discussed the end of 2021 so far with Putin. When Trump did one of the most important cases at Mar-a-Lago in Florida in 2024, his office was talking because a private phone with Putin was on the air.

“War” was a fight between the US and the United States

“War” started in the US on October 15, three weeks before the Wahlon November 5, former President Trump for the Republican and Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic Party fooled other antlers.

Woodward reported on the past American presidents over 50 years. In the seventies of the last century Wurde is involved with Carl Bernstein’s “Washington Post” colleagues during the investigation into President Richard Nixon’s Watergate meeting. It is a fact that American presidents have increasingly focused on Trump.

Woodward comes up with the Schluss, the right-wing populist tries to establish authoritarian control over the Russian State Service, a Krieg that abandons the US-allied Ukraine, while the presidency continues Nixon’s war. “Trump war of rücksichtloseste and impulsive president in the American economy and said close character as presidential candidate for the years 2024”Woodward wrote.

The Trump Team has launched the book ‘Schund’ and ‘erfunden Geschichten’. Woodward is a ‘traitor and gestörter Mann’, like the Trump Campaign Speaker, Steven Cheung. (AFP)