
Nobel Prize in Physics: When the machines start, learn for yourself

Nobel Prize in Physics: When the machines start, learn for yourself

Jahrhundertelang war die Arbeitsteilung is clear: Der Mensch thinks, de Maschine führt aus. The war in finding the vapor machine, so with the cars, themselves Computer galt dieses Prinzip. If the human being is primarily in the technology of a technology, the game is one of the things you can think of: let the machine think, nor besser if the human could you. When the Frage emerged, the role of man was not visible.

Everything that has to do with medical knowledge is everything else that is gewöhnlich. In 2024, no years have passed with a black color, quantities or new laser technology. Sometimes it is the case that the life of the Milliarden man obtains, and that has never gone so far – in a masse, who will it be when vapor machine, car and computer are used. De Rede is a machine teacher, which can be used as an intelligent Intelligenz (AI).