
Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA research

Medizin Nobel Prize for microRNA research

Nopel Prize in Medizin

The Nobel Prize for Medicine was won by both American Forscher Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun. They are used for the examination of the microRNA device. 07.10.2024 | 0:26 min

The Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded a year later to the American biologist Victor Ambros and the American general Gary Ruvkun. Both Forscher have a basic principle of generation regulation as follows: the MicroRNA (miRNA). The rapid access is fundamental for the Erforschung, which organisms develop and function, the Nobel Committee in Stockholm.

The information contained in the chromosomes is a valuable information for all souls. Jede Zelle has used diesel engines from Chromosomes and damn dense Satz von Genen. Various Zelltypes that have Muskel and Grain Zellen are very inviolable properties. The game mechanism of generational regulation plays a role, as Ambros and Ruvkun describe.

A Mann sees one of the homo sapiens in his reflection.

If Hilfe did the generational mutations, would this be a modern homo sapiens?17.06.2020 | 43:56 min

Hunderte Millionen Jahre alter Mechanismus

Long time would be eliminated, because the main principles of generation regulation have been clarified. But 1993, Ambros and Ruvkun unerwartete Ergebnisse: Im Fadenwurm Caenorhabditis elegans entdeckten si microRNA, a new class of winziger RNA-Moleke, and that is a “completely new Principle of Gene Regulation”, which the Nobel Committee has acknowledged.

It is stellte sich heraus, that dies for more organisms, one of the human beings, the wesentlicher bedeutung ist.

Nobel Committee

The entire gene regulation is one hundred million years in the Einsatz. The mechanism has caused the evolution of more complex organisms, which belong to the Nobel Committee. MicroRNA is a legend for the functioning and function of organisms.

Fehler in der Generegulation können zur Krankheiten führen

The generational regulation of microRNA on the ground can cause Krebs disease, diabetes or autoimmunity. Ebenso hangen Krankheiten wie anborne Schwerhörigkeit, Augen- und Skeletterkrankungen damit zeeammen.

Model a DNA helix

Most studies point to the fact that most humans have not been able to process their genome in the last 5,000 years. There is a natural selection.17.06.2020 | 44:05 min

Ambros transferred to Harvard University. This time is a professor of natural sciences and medical school at the University of Massachusetts. Ruvkun works at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, where he is a professor of genetics.

Forscher aus dem Bett jingels

Zum Zeitpunkt der Entscheidung des Nobelkomitees war is een der US-Ostküste noch sehr früher morgen. It is a fact that Ruvkun rang his bell for the Bett’s Bekanntgabe, reported Thomas Perlmann, General Secretary of the Committee. “There sounds like something.” When there was war, the soul was solitary and happy, if there was reason. Victor Ambros has a target on the handy hinterlands. There is courteous, “that’s me bald zurückruft,” says Perlmann.

The Nobel Prizes are awarded to those who “have lived through the years of humanity with the greatest benefits” – so they are appreciated by the Dynamite-Erfinder and Preiststifter Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) in his Testament.

One of the many Nobel Prize seasons with opportunities in the Medizin price range is a fact. In the history of history, the prizes for physics, chemistry and literature were awarded, then for the Friedensnobel Prize. There is one thing that is not located in the Swedish Hauptstadt Stockholm, but is located in the Norwegian Hauptstadt Oslo. In Stockholm you will follow the Abschluss der Nobelpreis in der Kategorie Wirtschaftswissenschaften. It is a fact that the Auszeichnungen did not win the Nobel Prize for the Testament.

The Auszeichnungen can be a single preisträger or bis zu drei Gewählte gleichzeitig gehen. Gerade in the Wissenschaftskategorien comes from a high quality, because more Preisträgerinnen and Preisträger will become together, who will have played their own roles in Themenfeld.

The price is with uggerechnet knapp 970.000 Euro dotiert.

Medical Nobel Prize 2023 for Research into mRNA Improvements

I look at the Medizin Nobel Prize and the unguaranteed biochemistry Katalin Karikó and the American immunologists Drew Weissman, who with their Grundlagenforschung gets the Entwicklung of mRNA-Impfstoffen that has made the Coronavirus possible. Messenger RNA (mRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) are indispensable in the field of RNA molecules with different functions and properties.

Quelle: dpa, AP, Reuters