
Clinical reforms will no longer be implemented by dpa-AFX

Clinical reforms will no longer be implemented by dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Those of the Ampel planted Krankenhausreforms nach Angaben von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach in the Donnersdag or the Freitag kommender Woche in the Bundestag were abschiedet. The Bundesraad started the reforms in November, so it will not be possible to decide in those years either.

The SPD politician spoke out in Berlin before journalists at the Gesetzgebung stand. Make sure you are the professional partner after a long implementation of the details of the reform and zahlreiche technical problems. So it is more likely that the smaller clinical care in the country of the outpatient Facharzt-behandlungen is carried out, when in a region the Facharzt-available are no longer spread out.

Lauterbach: Guter Tag für Kliniken

Lauterbach spoke about an intestinal tract for the German Krankenhäuser and for the patients. It is a major Krankenhausreform that has been going on for 20 years. Detractors from the SPD, Greens and FDP have joined forces and drawn out a large part of the fuss. Criticism of the reforms is increasing in the states. Lauterbach has a eigener Aussage aber davon aus, dass nicht in Vermittlungsausschuss landet.

Man sei mit de Ländern in intensivem Austausch and ihnen entgegengekommen in some areas. The minister warned about a Scheitern. “Then we have a Scherbenhaufen,” it says. “Dann has a question for us about Krankenhausster in the coming years.” Some Krankenhäuser hooks are still going on, but the reform will take a few more years.

Highest Bettendichte in Europe

In Germany there are 1,700 Kliniken – das Gesundheitsministerium spricht von der hygen Krankenhaus- und Bettendichte in Europe. Viele Betten no longer look good and many clinics write rote Zahlen. The reform will bring more specialization and less bureaucracy.

Vorhaltepau scales statt Fallpau scales

A new operating system is the source of funding for the clinic that is less and prevented from having a medical, unnoticed operation on the healthcare machine. You can use a Clinics for Patients or Treatments with a number of Euro-Betrag pause scales. The system of the drop scales is a system that has been replaced by the intermediate scales: Feste Beträge für das Vorhalten von Personal, a note or notnauwe Medizintechnik. Clinics have been given a common ministry of art that guarantees comparable actions.

More specialization

Good quality of care for patients and patients helps you, one of the jewels of the best clinic. There will always be more people treating hospitals in a certain region of Darmkrebs, but then the jewels will fall now. Statistics that merely perform special actions at a new clinical practice will result in more cases of treatment and more treatment with higher quality.