
Magnin übernimmt ad interim: Meister YB entlässt Trainer Rahmen – Spycher: «Unsere Lage ist höchst unerfreulich»

Magnin übernimmt ad interim: Meister YB entlässt Trainer Rahmen – Spycher: «Unsere Lage ist höchst unerfreulich»

Wegmann: “Rahmen is a Bauernopfer”

For Michi Wegmann, Leiter Ressort Sport of Blue News, the interested Patrick Rahmen is not the Grund for the active Misere at Meister.


Liga-Schlusslicht YB trennt sich von Trainer Patrick Rahmen. After 15 performances, there are 55 years to complete Schluss. Ersetzt with Rahmen by U21 Trainer Joël Magnin.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • Patrick Rahmen is no longer YB’s trainer.
  • Der Schweizer Meister lotte Rahmen auf de nouvelle Saison in Bern. Rahmen führte YB zwar in de Champions League, weitere kostenlos aber aus. In the Königsklasse, YB lost both Startspiele clearly, in the Liga the man is in theTablelenende.
  • Die Bilanz von Rahmen als YB-Trainer: 5 Siege, 3 Unentschieden, 7 Niederlagen.
  • Interimist übernimmt U21 Coach Joël Magnin die Mannschaft.

The Young Boys will be working tomorrow in a medium term, but chief trainer Patrick Rahmen is no longer in the profession: «The sports nutrition of the BSC Young Boys is ready, chief trainer Patrick Rahmen can free himself. Who will be involved in the last season with U21 coach Joël Magnin in the Mannschaft interimist and for further updates.»

In the Medienmitteilung with Christoph Spycher, VR-Delegierter Sport, who follows: “It is one of the many problems that Patrick Rahmen has solved. If you carry out an analysis and an analysis, it is a good idea to do so.” Spycher shows that the man at the time when the title title no longer exists is like this, Schritt für Schritt aus dem Tief zu finden «A low tablelet on a new run is very unsatisfactory.» If Magnin takes over as interim coach in the winter, YB could become another loser, which Spycher explores.

Rahmen: “I must accept the Entscheid”

Sports chief Steve von Bergen said about the «schmerzhafen» Entlassung von Rahmen: «Leider has made no effort to improve the sport. It is a Tatsache, which is in the Meisterschaft, gives a hint of the Erwartungen zurückgeblieben sind. After you have performed a foursome of the Meisterschaft, you have the Tabule Aussagekraft. We will stay at the Schluss.» Interim trainer Joël Magnin has his own “fresh impulse.”

Patrick Rahmen said about his time off: “The sports situation in the league is unreliable for us. If there is a war with energy and full surrender, it will be a matter of würden, one of those situations that are free. I must accept the entscheid natural full-fledged acceptance.»

If we prefer the Young Boys, the Trennung of Patrick Rahmen in his next way the assistant Enrico Schirinzi has become available.

I don't have a longer trainer at YB: Patrick Rahmen.
I don’t have a longer trainer at YB: Patrick Rahmen.


YB sollte «der nächste grosse Schritt» signal

Ausgerechnet in Basel has sent Patrick Rahmen to Dernière as a YB Trainer. Beim FCB Wurde Rahmen in Februari 2022 nach nur sieben Amtszeit entlassen (notabene 2 days after a 3:0-Erfolg gegen Lausanne), obwohl there with the Team in 37 Pflichtspielen in Schnitt starke 2,11 Punkte holte.

The Vereinsspitze is an FCB boss David Degen has power over the dominant masses who have won an “unreliable sports club”. The action could happen for Rohrkrepierer. Seine Nachfolger Guillermo Abascal, Alex Frei, Heiko Vogel and Timo Schultz separated everything in the kurzer Zeit en der Aufgabe, the FCB will change the Glory of her life. Once you know that Rahmen’s Entlassung is ‘a Fehler’ wish.

Via U21-Nati from Basler in the summer of 2023 on the way to Winterthur. While the Führung is broke from the Aussenseiter, there is a victory in the Championship Group, which must beat the FCB in the Relegation Group. If the FCW is attractive Fussball, the euphoria in the Eulachstadt is such a crude war that has not happened yet.

Then the big YB closes, Wunschkansen Rahmen goes the Werben schliesslich nach. “YB is for my big chance, the last chance in my career”, so Rahmen at his Amtsantritt. In Bern there is a Zweijahresvertrag.

The sporty Talfahrt

The start with a new start Team missrät gründlich. First of all, the Saison plays are a small effort – the Meisterschaftsfavorit amtafellenende. Enjoy your time on a European stage. If the Galatasaray makes clearer statements to the Bernese, the favorite of the two players can be rewarded and deserve the title in the Champions League. Zum Auftakt in the premier class is then a 0:3-Pleite in Wankdorf against Aston Villa. If you play YB in the Liga-Spieltag in Winterthur, you can play the first Sieg match.

The Courtship on a Besserung is vergebens. A 0:1-Heimpleite against the general classification, the 0:5-Abreibung in Barcelona now goes the 0:1-Niederlage against Basel in the Wochenende and fell to YB boss Christoph Spycher and sports chief Steve von Bergen.

Basel – YB 1:0

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Rahmens Bilanz with 5 Siegen, 3 Remis und 7 Niederlagen in 15 Pflichtspielen (darunter 2 Cup-Partien gegen unterklassige Gegner) is expensive, 1,20 Punkte im Schnitt for the Seriesmeister is for the 55-Jährigen a bad sports competitions.

The ground for the sporting story of the Bernese man is never a Rahmen celebration. For Michael Wegmann, Leiter Ressort blue Sport, Rahmen is “a Bauernopfer” of the Klubleitung.

Welchen Luxus Ridge Munsy and Oliver Buff as 2.Liga-Fussballer are missing

This is the story of Ridge Munsy and Oliver Buff, neither as Profis. Since I am an Amateur Fussball match. blue sports hat that both met for their first Liga game – a Direct Duell – zum Gespräch.
