
The new eruptions and your possible elimination on the Erde

The new eruptions and your possible elimination on the Erde

Sonne, Erde, Mond, NASA
Sonne, Erde en der Mond – Elemente dies Bildes wurden von NASA.
Kathy Schrey

Kathy Schrey 6 minutes

Spektakuläre Sonnenaktivität: The young outburst and your outburst

Die Sonne, our last Stern, is a dynamic and often inaccessible Himmelsobjekt. In the corridor where NASA conducted one of the powerful bursts of active solar energy explosions, the fascinating and powerful phenomena are connected.

This eruption, the enormous eruption of the eruption, is the eruption of the sun’s rays, which can directly hit the Erde einwirken.

Eruptionen auf der Sonne, auch as koronale Massenauswürfe (CME) can, and explosive Ereignisse, while the large Mengen high energy effects in the Weltraum schleudert prevent. Laut the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory had recorded a single eruption on October 3, which went beyond a grim war and a large Anzahl charged Teilchen ins All schleuderte.

These parts can cause an inner shock and cover the magnetic field of the inner tubes.

The Mechanisms of Eruptions

The sun is best from the plasma, in the Magnetfelder a central role play. If a beam of magnetic energy is used, the magnetic field can become unstable and become explosively charged. Which are safe in the Nähe von Sonnenflecken, including Magnetfeldlinien überlagern and miteinander connect.

These processes lead to greater energy savings and better energy management.

One of the most common eruptions is the so-called solar wind.

There is a good solution for a strong current of Teilchen, the son who rises and is a swanzy Tage, one of the things that are there. If there is intense solar radiation hitting the magnetic field of the Erde, the aurora can be illuminated, which is mainly aimed into the high reaches of the Arktis. These lighter radiances will become more energetic in the erdatmospheric end rings and with the parched gaseous collides.

Potenzielle Auswirkungen auf die Erde

Since there is sun protection during the atmosphere and in the Magnetfeld field, it is possible that this ereignisse tends to develop.

A Beispiel here is the Sonnensturm from 2003, in the Swedish Stadt Malmö there is a more flowing Stromausfall-führte and the European Flugverkehr is interesting.

Solche Ereignisse verdeutlichen, dass Sonnenstürme auch in Mitteleuropa spürbare Auswirkungen haben können, even if they are not as high here as they are in the polarizing regions.

Aktuelle Forschungen an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule in Zürich has said, that the Häufigkeit and Stärke of Sonneneruptionen miteinander since. The Zeitraum eruption was twice as long ago, making the next eruption more intense. These can be separated from the Entwicklung of Frühwarnsystemen, which reageren a bevorstehende Stürme.

Frühwarnsysteme und Zukunftsausblick

Astrophysicists from the University of Göttingen have developed a Frühwarn system that can predict the stars of Sonnenstürmen. This system analysis in Real data from satellites and welfare missions, one of NASA probes stereo A and B, which continuously covers the probe. Volker Bothmer and his team are in the low, schon a stunde after a blowout price before they meet, want and with welcher intensity those teilchen die erreichen.

When an active eruption occurs and the predicted eruptions are exciting, the discharge of the technical system and the light from the polar light will take place. The young beobachtungen of NASA have left the notorious nature, while the discovery of the probe and the bursts in investments continue, one of the scientific developments in the field of solar energy and the erdatmosphäre that is spreading.

If the information is shown on the back header, night time is one of the best things to do. Were weeß, the light went out that the end-pressing Polar lights, the duration of the young eruption were forgotten!