
Politik & Gesellschaft – Frankreich-Luftverkehrsteuer, Lilium-Bundesbürgschaft, KLM-EU-Kritik

Politik & Gesellschaft – Frankreich-Luftverkehrsteuer, Lilium-Bundesbürgschaft, KLM-EU-Kritik

Liebe Leserinnen and Leser,

if in those weeks we were in the air traffic management exciting Entwicklungen beobachtet, the politics as the Gesellschaft will concern. We have the following thoughts for their future. Since our top themes of the week:

  • Warum Frankreich a German Erhöhung der Luftverkehrsteuerwägt
  • The political battle is a Bundesbürgschaft for the Flugtaxi-Hersteller Lilium
  • KLM CEO complains about unfair behavior by Chinese Airlines and pushes through EU law

This message is from a company at Ryanair, which is starting a new Wasserstoff-Airline and protesting against Kassel airport.

Bowls Sicher durch die Woche!

Herzliche Grüße,

France enjoys the German air transport service

When the German air force industry is active at the end of the air traffic control – and the states in Sweden with their ticket control are abolished, France is a deutliche erhung der entsprechenden Abgabe.

There are no detailed plans for France and the best air traffic arrangements. Französische Medien reports on the fact that a flight from air sales has become one of the largest billions of euros in the world.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s Directorate has so far carried out a systematic audit, a French state financial vision has incurred a deficit of 60 million euros.

So article

Politics is a Bundesbürgschaft für Lilium

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has established a federal credit organization for the Flugtaxi-Hersteller Lilium mit Sitz in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich.

Wissing sehe “großes Potenzial in thiser Form der Luftmobilität”, said a Speaker of the Verkehrsministeriums am Montag in Berlin.

The minister is said to have decided that he would “start with manual lung function”. Entscheiden müsse der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestages. There is a credit of more than 100 million euros, for the country Bayern and the Bund, which covers half of the costs.

The Bayerische Landesregierung hates the Hilfe in September, causing the Bund to exceed the Bürgschaft by 50 million euros.

The “Spiegel” message on the montage, a housekeeper is one of the most important ways to make the Bürgschaft für Lilium roads of an indisputably wirtschaftlich perspective on the Unternehmens. Es write hohe Verluste.

Lilium defends the Ruf nach Hilfen im “Spiegel” damit, that Konkurrenten in Ausland ebenfalls von the secret Regierungen gefördert würden. “All international law bewerbers have been making money for a long time – and are money and keine Darlehen,” said one of the magazine’s external advisors.

If you see subsidies in the industry that Rule. “There is no aviation program in the air transport industry.”

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KLM CEO criticizes “unfair” Chinese competition and endures EU measures

KLM sees European airlines in an unfair legal relationship with Chinese airlines.

KLM CEO Marjan Rintel has now established the European Commission, which will enable a European airline to become an effective company.

In an interview with the new American airline “WNL Op Zondag” it is clear that Chinese Airlines with European airlines find the Russian Luftraum useless. If you save the costs from the Asian time, you can reduce the cost of the fabric and the lower prices for flights to Europe

Europäische Airlines flies in the EU countries to Russian aviation in Ukraine and no longer flies to Russia. Another route through Europe to Asia flies directly through Russia. “The difference between Chinese Airlines is twofold. The price is lower, and of course the costs are higher,” said the KLM Chef.

Rintel informs Brussels that this ungleichheit anzugehen, a legal legal framework for the European Airlines to bribe.

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Other themes

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  • Ecojet Airlines, Wasserstoff-Airline-Start-up from Great Britain, starts for a year – with the conventional Flugzeugen. Dennoch stopped the start-up with Zeroavia-Wasserstofftriebwerken 2026 for calculations. Read more

  • In Kassel, about 120 people protested against the defiance of Kassel Airport. The demonstrators fight, Steuergelder woanders hinken. The knowledge and experience in the Rahmen is longer climate protest of the Letzte Generation-statt. Read more

  • Emirates has used the function of Funkgeräten with Pagern and Walkie-Talkies on their flight. The maßnahme steht im Zusammenhang with young honorees in Lebanon. Zudem is the airline with flight services in the Krisen area. Read more

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  • The Italian State Public Health Service has helped more people and more people, the required Flugsicherheitsregulations are different. These sollen billigere und nicht conforme Teile für die 787 in Umlauf haben haben. Read more

  • The escalation of the Kriegshandlungen in the Nahen-East places the power in the Ukraine-Krieg and the conflict in the Gaza-Streifen responsible air transport sector for sister-order defenses. This is the Börsen sight bar. Read more

  • If there is more control over the flow of money at the Frankfurt Airport, three-quarters of a million euros could be collected. Three inspection days lasted 39 years during the Ausreise of the European Union, in the Hauptzollamt Frankfurt. Read more

  • If a Laserstrahl-Angriff on a Passengermaschine in August, a Tatverdächtiger in Kehl (Ortenaukreis) is ermittelt zijn. Zeugenhinweise und video-aufnahmen der Cockpit-Besatzung führten de Polizei aan de Spur des Mannes, met de Beamten Mitteilten. Read more

And zum Schluss…

Gute Nacht Nachtzug subsidy: Switzerland has developed the “Stop and Go policy” and has implemented a new savings campaign among the other subsidies for the night. Is there a “Stop-and-Go policy” but who is the perfect driver for a breakthrough in night-time traffic, or? Read more