
Electric car and solar energy automatic drive – Edison

Electric car and solar energy automatic drive – Edison

The Gemeinde Schmiechen is located 60 kilometers west of Munich. Approximately 1400 people live here, the Bevölkerungsdichte is 100 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometers. Here the World is not in Ordnung, man is friendly and he knows you. There is a Wirtshaus, a church, a kindergarten and at Fallwind Föhn who can see the Alps. Viele der Häuser im Ort has a photovoltaic installation on the Dach.

Passend of the Energyversorger Eon inmitten the small Ortes an der Zukunft der Stromversorgung. There are energy sources that play a role. “Smart Grid” is launched by Stichwort. Gemeint is a Stromnetz, with most batteries there is a huge energy gap for the stability solutions. “Now that an intelligent functionality of power can occur, the recharging of the loads of electrical appliances can be influenced,” with Marcus Fendt from The Mobility House.

BMW i3 Bidi-Loading
In 2014, Marc Borchardt presented a plan to build and modernize new bank and retail buildings in Schmiechen. 2021 comb a solar energy with a Spitzenleistung of 9.8 kilowatts on Dach. Photos: Constantin Mirbach

A separate part of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) is Vehicle-to-Home (V2H): The energy supply here would be an intelligent device in the integrated power supply of the eigenheims. Because Marc Borchardt made a mistake, the Essener Konzern with energiewirtschaftlichen themes is civilized. A long-term energy supply is important for the certification policy. The roads are inzwischen over the Heizung im Haus von Flüssiggas on Pelletbetrieb umgebaut. In fishing with fishing it is possible in most states to play tennis or swing aufs Fahrrad. This is how efficient the efficiency is.

„Mich hat die Ruhe, errscht here, executed, nach Schmiechen zu jijhen“, erzählt der Familienvater. Das Haus, in the 42 years with the wife Susanne and the children in the alternative world, zehn and sieben jaarwohnt, is who authorized the Pilot project “Connected Home Charging”, the BMW and the Eternal for the first years of the year, um the use of the bidirectionally loaded auszulots. Dieser Blick in Zukunft will be supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. “Wir was a true full knowledge for the best product in a non-integrated energy supply for the Zuhause der Zukunft“, time is spent on the start of the projects of Eon-Deutschlandchef Filip Thon.

Solar energy with 9.8 kWp on the Dach

The Borchardts family is a family, who dies in the Münchner Umland and die Versuch teilnehmen. It is ideal if the Voraussetzungen are ideal. 2014 has been one of the new developments in the Wohnhaus, where bank and lower buildings have been built and modernized. Ersten Hammerschlag a war Nachhaltigkeit das bestimmende Thema: The Toilets were equipped with Rainwasher, the Wände since dried and 2021 comb a Solaranlage with a Spitzenleistung of 9.8 Kilowatt on Dach. Borchardt, as a craftsman Mann, installed the solar module himself at Dach: “That’s a lot of work.”

If the immunity of the components is known, this is a good electricity supply and the expertise of experts in the field of the Eon. “The combination of components must be a great challenge to see,” while colleague Claudia Häpp is in charge of the energy department of product management in the Region Future Energy Home.

Mobile power supply The 42.2 kWh built-in battery of the - from BMW modification - i3 can no longer charge the power when it is charged. The prototype of a Wallbox is made of costs for the bidirectional loaded power that is possible.
Mobiler Stromspeicher
The 42.2 kWh built-in battery of the i3 – modified by BMW – can no longer charge the power when it is charged. The prototype of a Wallbox is made of costs for the bidirectional loaded power that is possible.

The Feinarbeit is displayed at the Dachform and. Is it a Flachdach or a Giebeldach? Who is the Sonneneinstrahlung? Welche Module op de Fläche, en welche Latest can this happen? With a solar energy survey you can achieve the best results online yourself, so that the installation of a PV installation is possible. Optimal control of the module in Borchardt’s house is one of the dry things. “Rund 90 Prozent unserer Photovoltaik-Anlagen were linked with stationären Speichern purchased and entsprechend damit“, explains Eon-Managerin Häpp.

Zu 54 Prozent energieautork im ersten Jahr

“The soul is natural, it is possible to be unaffected by the external flow of energy,” says Hausbesitzer Borchardt. Progressions over the years have started with an Autarkie-Grad of 54 Prozent straight gut gelungen. Sein System has a wide range of photovoltaic energy systems for special needs. This is the case: The stealth of the repairers BYD is with a power of 10 kWh in the Lage, and it is possible that the current of the PV system is reached by global warming.

Dieser Wert is aber keineswegs in Stein geeißelt. One of the most ideal redevelopment plans always comes from the präferenzen des Nutzers, the Lage Hauses and the forecasted Verbrauch an. For this reason, the ratio in months can be as high as 1:1.5.

The next example of the production of solar energy, while the sky floats through the clouds, is gold plated: first consumed with the Heimspeicher, then the car battery is sucked from the grid at the first electrical current.
The production of solar energy cannot produce any electricity, while the sky floats through the clouds, gilded: First the Heimspeicher was consumed, then the car battery and the first electricity from the mains.

The extension to Borchardt’s house takes place with an electric car and a similar component with the simplest possible component. Borchardt’s black BMW i3 is a real treat: The 42.2 kWh power supply from the Antriebsbatterie can power the current even further. The prototype of a Wallbox is made of costs for the bidirectional loaded power that is possible.

If this element is efficient, it is not a “Conductor”. The gehirn, that is Borchardt and Taktstock, is the Eon Home Box. It is a matter of a small cabinet, as a gateway with the photovoltaic installation, the static energy supply in the house ensures that the automotive industry communicates and responds to the changing situation. The extracted data in an internet cloud, the house soft drink on a smartphone app that can be used, was a passion.

The system installed in Schmiechen is regular. If all goes well, the power production of the solar power depends on a defined sequence. Borchardt has the following Leistungskade-gewählt: Grundsätzlich will make the power consumption as good as possible during the PV anlage deckt. Reicht deren Leistung mangels Sonne nicht aus, jumps der Heimspeicher ein. First when energy is consumed by the battery in the automotive industry. A sollte dann noch Strom übrig signal, would be the same Netz eingeleitet.

Heimspeicher for Autobatterie and Netzbezug

If the BMW i3 family usually travels 60, up to 70 kilometers on the Tag, the ball is of course bigger with an electric car, but more Reichweite benefits. A production of solar energy that produces no electricity, while the sky floats through the clouds, is gold plated: First the Heimspeicher was consumed, then the car battery and the electricity from the mains.

“I am proud that everything functions and is uncomplicated in the system that controls my smartphone. There are no negatives – and I am critical,” erzählt Borchardt. De Kapazität seines Heimspeichers von zehn Kilowattstunden reicht zumeist für den Fünf-Personen-Haushalt. If the washing machine no longer has the system, then the sauna is no longer there.

If you do not produce the solar module while clicking on the app, the amount of kilowatts hanging in the sky clouds ist. Within a year, the PV module in Schmiechen is used from 1000 to 1100 hours with full power. 2023 so insgesamt 8500 Kilowattstunden jijsammen.

Depreciated after 20 years

During the high lifespan of the solar module and the sinking energy efficiency that greatly affects the solar energy of the photovoltaic system. Vorteile never brings it again by the Verkauf des Solarstroms, under a high eigenverbrauch and a smaller Zukauf von Strom from the Netz. When calculating the electricity costs in the net calculation, 30 cents are debited from a solar energy bill of the large one, which Borchardt installs from 20 years, while the Eon Experts. Of course in the Abhängigkeit vom Wetter, der Lage des Hauses and der Dachneigung. Borchardt is so sure, now after 13 to 15 years, the first time won by the installation, done by hand and thus a cost saving on costs.

Everything in the Blick Die Eon Home-Box communicates with the PV storage on the Dach, the Heimspeicher and the Elektroauto and the data in an Internet Cloud how, soft drink Hausbesitzer Borchardt on the iPad can be a lot of fun.
Everything in Blick
The Eon Home-Box communicates with the PV storage on the Dach, the Heimspeicher and the Elektroauto and loads data into an Internet Cloud, soft drink Hausbesitzer Borchardt on the iPad can be used, was passert.

With the idea, with PV-Anlage and Heimspeicher am Stromhandel teilzunehmen, steht is nicht allein da. A Eon-Umfrage ergab kürzlich, dass 84 Prozent aller Hausbesitzer with a PV-Anlage anyway 77 Prozent der Hausbesitzer noch ohne Solarmodule auf dem Dach uses the Technology utilities würden.

If you drive in the family of the car, there is nothing to worry about with a kilowatt hour and a huge energy requirement, but man is a vehicle that drives directly on the BMW i3. It is an over 60 year old Fendt Tractor, with the Marc Borchardt in the winter seine Kinder op Schlitten through the Schnee. De Tagen is a Borchardt who is not feeling well, but that son or niece.