
Sarytogan locates the first Kazakh copper-gold target

Sarytogan locates the first Kazakh copper-gold target

All the evidence begins to make sense when combined with the geological background of the country. It lies within the vast Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) that stretches from the Urals in the west to Mongolia in the east and is home to several multi-million tonne copper porphyry deposits.

The company says its aeromagnetic surveys have revealed six other promising features, such as the Aurtas prospect, where malachite was discovered in historic test pits, and the Aminbay prospect, where ancient artisanal mining was noted.

Exploration of the prospects will now continue, with a big push to complete soil sampling before the winter season begins. That data, combined with information from the recently flown aeromagnetic survey, will then give Sarytogan the opportunity to refine drill targets. ready for next season.

The company’s primary focus remains on the nearby graphite project and its drive to bring into production the massive 229 million tonnes of graphitic carbon (TGC) deposit, totaling 28.9 percent.

However, during his time in Kazakhstan, Sarytogan also spent considerable time and effort building a team with local expertise in geological and regulatory matters in that country, ultimately leading to the decision to investigate the significant potential of untapped copper porphyry mineralization in Kazakhstan. addition to graphite.

As part of its plan to build a portfolio of two to four copper exploration projects, management has also just secured a second copper exploration permit. More details will follow once official approval has been received.

With its graphite project beginning to attract global attention and funding, Sarytogan has taken the opportunity to leverage its new status and leverage its strengths of good local knowledge and government relations to secure new copper leases that will help the company will give you a second chance. string for his bow.

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