
Greater prosperity before Autobahn construction

Greater prosperity before Autobahn construction

In a new turn, the temperature of the Schweizer occupancy of the plants on the highway can be determined. 42 Prozent lehnten die Vorlage ab.

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

  • On November 24, the planted Autobahn construction will be canceled.
  • An Umfrage vorab zeit nun: Die Mehrheit befürwortet das Vorhaben.
  • 56 Prozent der Befragten stimulates der Vorlage zu, 42 Prozent lehnten sie ab.


The planted Ausbau der Autobahnen is a first obstacle for the stimulating people on the Zustimmung-gestossen. On November 24, the first three months of November started with the financing of the financial sector. These Meinungen were not enough.

Laut der am Mittwoch publishes representative representation of «20 Minuten» and Tamedia has 56 Prozent der Befragten von 4.9 Billiarden Francen voor de Ausbau van Nationalstrassen Anfang Oktober Zugestimmt. 42 Prozent lehnten die Vorlage ab, 2 Prozent were unentschieden.

Befürworter argueieren met weniger Stau

The headquarters of the war war is: The Ausbau is so far that it is a little status and therefore a burden of the city and the value of the Ausweichverkehr komme. The Gegnerschaft is an ultimate joy for everyone, that’s more Strassen more Traffic bedeute. Staus nähmen bei an Ausbau nur kurzfristig ab, wie de Erfahrung und de Verkehrsforschung-zeigten.

The Autobahnausbau is praised for the Verantwortlichen Research Institute Leewas of the Anhängerschaft of the FDP, the SVP die Mitte deutlich unterstützt. The bases of the grünen and the Wählenden of the SP and GLP are spread over the last century.

Should the motorways in Switzerland be expanded?

The Parlament banned the plants planted in Nationalstrasse to rotate for a year. The motorway barrier will be used to collect 4.9 million francs in subsequent years. Nice projects that the Bundesrat of Parliament supports. The rate of the credit is determined by a project on the A1 in Lake Geneva. An Allianz is one of the Verkehrs-Club of Schweiz (VCS) that won the Vorlage with the referendum.

Meinungsbildung has not yet been written

For the next three years, November 24th will be the time of day when times are not happier. The vision of the war with the previous descriptions has not yet been completely written. All things relative are a number of years ago and an «eher Yes» and «eher No» Answer, this is es. If you are concerned, it is true that you cannot start vaccination campaigns or other activities in the first or last phase of the immune campaign.

The first Mietvorlage (Untermiete) crests at 47 Prozent Ja-Stimmen (42 Prozent Nein, 11 unentschieden). Das zweite Mietgeschäft (Eigenbedarf) erreichte 43 Prozent Zustimmung (50 Prozent Nein, 7 unentschieden). While the Doppel Referendum will be passed into law during the 2023 Autumn Session, it is a matter of protecting interests outside the period and at one’s own peril.

In der Stadt weniger Zustimmung für Mietvorlagen

Both countries enter the war: the war in the country as well as in the city and the agglomeration, and they remain united with their own country.

In the previous financing agreement there are jewels 38 percent of the years and years of the time. Fast one quarter of the befragten was unschlüssig, nor more than both the Mietvorlagen.

The Vorlage for the Einheitliche Finanzierung of outpatient and stationary Leistungen (Efas) provides that Kantone and Krankenkassen are the Costs for Gesundheitsleistungen if they are at 73.1 the Kantone .

The Umfrage was on 2. and 3. October until 11’170 Personen aus der gezen Schweiz durchgeführt. Der Fehlerbereich was at 1.7 Prozentpunkten.



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Insane casesBundesraadParliamentTamediaFrankenStudyGruneStauGLPPleaseFDPA1SP