
Elektricher „smaller Freund“ – Zu diesem Preis starteret Renault de neuen R5 – Wirtschaft

Elektricher „smaller Freund“ – Zu diesem Preis starteret Renault de neuen R5 – Wirtschaft

Köln (dpa/tmn) – Das Original works as the “little friend” with a bigger star. During the 30 years since the end of the legends, Renault will never forget the story and bring the R5 to life as an Electric Car. People will enjoy the mobility that exists, but everything will not be on the Strecke, teilte Renault with.

The Franzosenwollen are not yet in the wild and in the fresh form, but end up on a floating area and a hereditary Abstimmung setzen. If you start a new year in the trade, you start with a price of 27,900 euros, with a basic model up to 25,000 euros.

The 3.92 meter long neutral dress with four towers and 326 liters of luggage space is fitted with unique proportions and details that are original, first made in 1972. Within a series of Renault reports about digital technology and a bleach on a new electrical electronics.

This engine has a front engine with wahlweise 70 kW/95 hp, 90 kW/120 hp or 110 kW/150 hp and can use an engine in Wagenboden with wahlweise 40 or 52 kWh specified. Renault’s range for a distance of 410 kilometers, before 11 kW at a power flow and the best fall of 100 kW at a Schnelllader, increased.

Look at other Kult models making a comeback

With the R5, Renault has launched the ë-C3 in the new electric car segment with the Citroën and VW is bare with the ID.2. The Franzosen think that everything will happen with the new technology in 2025 with an SUV sister a new interpretation of the R4, before 2026 with a pair of Twingo decks that will earn a price of 20,000 euros.

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