
Fundermax: Verhandlungen über Sozialplan –


The Spanplatten-Erzeuger Fundermax in Neudörfl baut Personal ab: Bis zu 60 Beschäftigte könnten davon bereffen sein, hat das Unternehmen vor een Woche bekanntgegeben. There is talk of a Geschäftsführung and der Betriebsrat and a social plan. The Donnerstag found the second Verhandlungsrunde statt.

The low part of the affected companies and institutions “of course everything else is like roses,” said Fundermax-Zentralbetriebsrat Rene Willegger. There is a Betriebsratsteam that negotiates a social plan with the Fundermax-Geschäftsführung. Souls, that plan is funded and the process cannot go beyond the long term. “Wir wollen schauen, dats man das so schnell wie möglich zum Abschluss Bringt. If all goes well, there will be no trouble for the Mitarbeiter, if you no longer know that you have been affected, or you are not affected,” says Willegger.

Schwache Konjunktur und higher price pressure

Fundermax will contribute to improvement, influencing costs and other aspects. In the meantime, between 45 and 55 of these days there are 200 employees and employees who lose their jobs, but they are still willing to do so. Fundermax has generated the great power and high price for the personal collection abroad. Daher will reduce the production capacity at Standort.

Luftreinheit: Kritik der Grünen

Kritik an Fundermax Neudörfl in Sachen Luftreinheit kommt von den Grünen. The answer to the question is one of the causes of the emission reduction due to the formation of formaldehyde. It is the best choice for people or people, it is one of Fundermax. The limit values ​​for the combined contents became final contents. If someone renovates the Recycling Holz in the Spanplatten, the Schwankungen of the Konzentrationswertes von Formaldehyd develop.