
Beamte nehmen Jugendlichen am Hildesheimer Hauptbahnhof fest

Hildesheim – A 15-year service carried out by the police at the Hildesheimer Hauptbahnhof on Trab content: Nun laufen glich fünf Verfahren gegen den Heranwachsenden.

Seit Kurzem hat de Polizei de Bereich one of the Hauptbahnhof persons including Marienfriedhof and Ohlendorfer Brücke as “gefährlichen Ort” benant – with the E-instufung as Brennpunkt the Beamtinnen and Beamten have more playing time, while you carry out your checks. So he started to go into his service to have a kurz after 2 p.m. on a dreiköpfige Gruppe and the überprüfte die “suspicious”, who is the police in the Mittwoch Mitteilt. One of the three, a 15-year-old, is going to do a false personal and a sprint that is located on the Bahnhofsplatz in Richtung Butterborn. If the escape flight in Straße Butterborn is a passers-by, it will be slightly lost. A beamer followed the 15 years and hollow in the schließlich with the Unterstützung of Bundespolizisten, who ebenfalls in front of the Bahnhof stands, at the Marienfriedhof ein.

Fünf Verfahren eingeleitet

The politicians have had fun all their lives – but the day we see the youthful massif, the beams threaten and policy. As long as the einsatzkräften are clear, such as: The 15-year-old had a joint and a sogenante “Crusher” – a Mühle, with the cannabis reduced in size – with remainderanhaftungen of marijuana dabei. Vermutlich flüchtete is therefore for the Police.

The bundles establish the correct identity of the youthful party, then it can end up in a certain situation. Der 15-Jährige muss sich nun in gleich fünf Verfahren verantworten: Wegen Widerstandes gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte, Beleidigung, Bedrohung, Körperverletzung and roads Verstoßes gegen das Konsum cannabisgesetz.