
Gründer verlässt Interessenverband: Krach in der Clubcommission

Gründer verlässt Interessenverband: Krach in der Clubcommission

Sage-Betreiber Sascha Disselkamp loses the Club Committee after 20 years – on the background of the Nichtenposition of the Association of Hamas-Terror.

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The Berliner Clubcommission has been active since the year 2000 – in Sachen Nahost-Konflikt is available Photo: Christoph Söder/dpa

Berlin taz | It is a Paukenschlag in the Berliner Clubs: Sascha Disselkamp, ​​​​Gründer der Clubcommission and quick breakthrough in Vorstand, is the Interessensverband der Clublandschaft.

The club committee’s statement on Instagram comes from the first annual meeting of Hamas-Angriffs in Israel on October 7, so the wise clubs’ bet. It reads in English: “In memory of those innocent lost lives.” The Psytrance Festival Nova, which was lost to 364 people and 38 more people after Gaza, was left with no silence.

“Ein a year long, man is born, because of ‘Terror’, ‘Opfer of Hamas’ or ‘Mission for the Getöteten and Entführten vom Nova-Festival’ auszudrücken,” said Disselkamp zur taz. “Man is not abolished, but continue, the Geiseln-freigelassen became.” Selbst zu der Forderung nach sofortiger Beendigung des Krieges Swiss Israel and Hamas do not want the Club Committee over time, so Disselkamp.

From the club committee it is a fact: the word will start in February in a dialogue process with consequences for both conflicts and woolen matters that do not make political statements. “If our involvement is no longer a war, that could happen in the next week,” so an advance on the matter. Disselkamp’s perspective is that the company is “geschätzt”, but if things do not go well with the claims, the statements have not or hardly been published.

“So no experience of Zerrissenheit der Szene”

Bereits in February Sprach Disselkamp with the day of the club’s polarization on October 7. “I don’t have such an inner peace within the soul that you can experience,” says Damals.

As soon as the Club Committee itself is in the midst of the month when it is in criticism. Kurz nach de Angriff teilte Lewamm Ghebremariam, ebenfalls in Vorstand ofs Verbands, Beiträge auf Instagram, in denen etwa de Angriff der Hamas als “Widerstand” against Besatzung and Apartheid bezeichnet wurde, there is a “Recht” and a “Pflicht” sei.

In April, Ghebremariam lost the Club Committee. “Power agree with the Verantwortung, and in the Letzten Monaten Wurde Deutsch, the Club Committee that Verantwortlichkeiten nicht justice kann“, erklärte sie dazu. If you solve the problem, it will be a problem.

Immediately after October 7, the Club Committee issued a longer statement, and the clarity became clear in the Nova-Massaker. Critically, this is not about Hamas, nor anti-Semitism or the judiciary and the rule of law.

“My criticism is no longer aimed at the Club Committee,” says Disselkamp. “Sondere is the Szene himself, who did not say Mitgefühl with Judinnen and Juden, who is one of my Leben-fürchten here in our Stadt. And that won’t stop anymore.”