
Weltkriegsbombe in Köln gefunden: Evakuierung läuft – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Weltkriegsbombe in Köln gefunden: Evakuierung läuft – Rheinland – Nachrichten

The fund for duds in the area of ​​the city clinics in Cologne-Merheim can take the best shape. Demnach carries the 1,000 kilogram bomb and is equipped with a front and rear storage bag.

Bereits seit dem Morgen was the preparation for an Evakuierung. The war in the city is no longer so, but duds in the Bid are found. Deshalb must be on the Ernstfall vorbereitet.

Es stehen etwa 330 Krankentransporte zur Verfügung, the patients and patients in Krankenhäuser in the city area are sold. The 300 people from the senior center must carry out the evacuation in particular for their individual social needs in Riehl.

Safe House for Intensive Patients eingerichtet

A transfer was possible for 50 to 70 intensive patients from the clinics in Merheim. It is a matter of dealing with a healthcare provider or a patient. Before you start creating a report, you can trace back some Safe House messages. A building that accommodates its intensive stations with great support.

10,000 Anwohnerinnen and Anwohner affected

If the dud is in the Freitag-schärft, then müssen laut Stadt Köln schätzungsweise 10.000 Menschen ihre Wohnungen in Merheim verlassen.

The city hat in the Gesamtschule in the Nähe is a planned launch. Zwei Busse der Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe brings the Anwohner and Anwohnerinnen to Bedarf Dorthin.

Über 1,200 Krafte im Einsatz

There are voices from Mammut, who are not part of the Ordnungsamt, Polizei and Feuerwehr, but more Hundert ehrenamtliche Helferinnen and Helfer in Einsatz. There is a shortage for sales, so the city stops producing 1,100 liters of Heißgetränke wie Tee and Kaffee, so whoever wins 1,800 baked Brötchen and 1,800 Lunchpakete.