
AD celebrates together with Caparol Icons die „Best of Germany“-Ausgabe im Reethaus in Berlin

AD Culture Club: AD and Caparol Icons transformed a dinner at the Reethaus in Berlin.

The Reethaus is an Ort, a man who has the city of Berlin in his grasp, lets us know that he can be in Ruhe and Achtsamkeit eintauchen. The contemplative architecture of Concrete, Glass and Reet is set in the wild nature of the former urban Flussbads in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Construction is the part of the Flussbad Campus of Slowness – a Kollektiv, which is its powerful hat, a nightly lifestyle and a long life to promote. “The reason for the idea of ​​a diverse approach, we will buy a place for consciousness here,” explains Claus Sendlinger, the Co-Gründer of Slowness.

Genau dort richtete AD gemeinsam met de Hersteller für Farben in Manufakturqualität, Caparol Icons, und Ausgabe des AD Culture Clubs aus. Diesmal anlässlich des jüngst erschienen „Best of Germany“-Hefts. “Für mich ist der Culture Club eine Platform für eine Community, wie is een diesem here Abend auch zammenkommt: Kreativschaffende, wewisende Architekt:innen and Designer:innen, with their tagged sister labors and im Austausch stehen,” said Felix Wagner, head of Editorial content AD Germany, den Abend ein.

You can enjoy a 15-minute audio experience with the guests of the Reethaus. Meditative classes at the Publikum, which are located on Holzbanken or on the Schneidersitz on the Tatami-Matten Platz. Geistically heritage and with more clear aspects now the exciting work of the Kreativdirectorin of Caparol Icons, Annika Murjahn, Claus Sendlinger and Felix Wagner. A conversation about the Concept of Slowness, the Nachhaltigkeitsverprechen of Caparol Icons and the active Design- and Architekturszene in Deutschland.

“Here a concept has arisen for an order of initial actions. My personal war of passion has always resulted in significant change. If all the force majeure of dating exists, the wars will end and the idea here is whether you should buy, a man who is afraid see Kann, or wie is in English heißt: A place for radical presence“, erzählt Sendlinger. Caparol Icons buy ebenso Bewusstsein. Consciousness for Nachhaltigkeit. “Local products and companies are getting bigger and bigger. If you have to start again that year, you can make a bond with the Roh fabrics used. We are always happy to welcome you,” Murjahn explains the Pioneer spirit of the Marke. “Without being plastic-free and our stand has been completely climate neutral since 2016.” The inspiring conversation was followed by a pleasant dinner. A man of war who is a genauer clicks on the map, the next man, who is the Rindfleisch vom “Eichhof”, the Bio-Bauernhof of the Murjahn family, descends. Abgerundet would be the Abend with a Chello-Spiel.

Die schönsten Impressionen des Abends

Entrance to Reethaus.

Entrance to Reethaus.

Bella Lieberberg