
Eurokurs fell at the latest Standing since mid-August From dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The rate of the euro has fallen to the lowest in the medium term. Am Nachmittag fell to 1.0946 US dollars. This is the most common position in mid-August. The European Central Bank (EZB) has set the Referenzkurs on the Nachmittag at 1.0957 (Dienstag: 1.0982) Dollar fest. The dollar costs 0.9126 (0.9105) euro.

Deutsche Außenhandelsdaten bewegten den Euro kaum. The export was completed in August. Volkswirte has a hinge with a value of 1.0 Prozent erwartet. The import will probably start to fail.

The dollar makes a profit on the sale of a robust Arbeitsmarkt message. The market is now seeing the last sentence of the US-Notenbank Fed in November with a price increase of 0.25 percent. A phrase is a 0.50 Prozentpunkte gilded Volkswirten als mittlerweile sehr unwahrscheinlich. The new date will be introduced on the market in the US, while the Donnerstag is on the programme.

Others that the EZB references for one euro at 0.83740 (0.83778) British Pfund, 162.97 (162.49) Japanese Yen and 0.9397 (0.9410) Schweizer Francen fest. Die Feinunze wurde am Nachmittag in London traded with 2,608 dollars. It costs $12 if I’m Vortag.