
DHBW-Studying students in China wertvolle Einblicke – Lörrach

DHBW-Studying students in China wertvolle Einblicke – Lörrach

Vorlesungen, Unternehmensbesuche and cultural excursions: 20 DHBW students from Lörrach follow an Austausch program in Shanghai, China.

The DHBW delegation with the Chinese host | Photo: DHBW Lörrach

The DHBW delegation with the Chinese host Photo: DHBW Lörrach

From September 18 to 28, 20 Study Performance of the DHBW Lörrach and a “Short Term Exchange” in Shanghai teil, by the prorektor Professor Johannes Kern and Wendy Fehlner, professor for sustainable tourism, organizer of the world. The Australian program of the German study is one of the most interesting locations, intensive with Chinese culture, Wirtschaft and Bildung customs, teilt the DHBW with. This means it is a real challenge in one of China’s most dynamic regions. The Austausch program is a more demanding Baustein in the long-term partnership of the DHBW Lörrach and the Shanghai Zhongqiao University.

The Austausch program collides with study results that are a result of an aus-weighted abuse from the Vorlesungen, Unternehmensbesuchen and cultural excursions. Vorträge über “China im Wandel” and Chinese culture provided the German study returns a few times in the economic and social Transformation Chinas. Neben de academicen Inhalten kamen auch kulturelle Highlights nicht zu kurz. The group has a historical and cultural history in Fengjing City and the Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou. These excursion boats and study returns are interesting, the culture of China has its origins and its intercultural aspects are still different.

A more central component was the international company. The study results are conveniently located at the Bosch-Gruppe headquarters in Shanghai, where the work of the Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen in Suzhou is studied. These types of projects are associated with practical applications in reforms and the opportunity for Industry 4.0 in China. They learn how international companies integrate into their global production network in Asia and innovations in Supply Chain Management and digitalization play a major role.

There are academic and practical programs for the intercultural Austausch a central element. The investigation has resulted in a number of failed activities with the Chinese Commilitons of Shanghai Zhongqiao University. The workshops feature a wide range of examples of traditional traditions – these experiences promote cultural dialogue and provide vibrant connections between young people in both countries. Wendy Fehlner dies with den Worten: “There were no studies that recreated the DHBW, they have a new experience with openness and an acquired knowledge. They understand that the structure is stronger than an individual component that is, inheritolgreich in other parts of the Welt Geschäfte zu Machen.”

Anna Dürre, Tourism Student in the current semester, is quickest to experience this: “This journey was a unique experience. We dare to learn about the culture of China during our stay with our guests, authentically and as well as to learn more about our future experiences. , There are people and people in the world who can enjoy the new friendships and inner development.”

On September 27, the Austausch program went to Shanghai Zhongqiao University to Ende with a Zeremonie. The DHBW study offices are no longer able to obtain a degree, but have an unparalleled end and a full experience with their home. Prorektor Kern stated: “Our study results were able to continue the dynamic Chinese economy from our country. Despite how intensive it was, the Wirtschaftsbeziehungen Swiss Germany and China are a greater benefit to our region.”

The DHBW factory in Lörrach, the Austauschprogramm with Shanghai Zhongqiao University, comes out a year later.

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