
SPD distances itself from its financial support

SPD distances itself from its financial support

Status: 09.10.2024 10:34 am

The Ampel has a new goal: to lose the planted Prämie for the long term at Job-Aufnahme. Criticism is now coming from the SPD – from Fraktionschef and the new Generalsekretär. Und auch der Kanzler is sceptical.

The plans for the Federal Government, slow losses, a prize of 1,000 euros for a longer job, provide an inner breath of the Ampel coalition for Zwist. First they started to follow the Greens and the FDP for a niece inheritance order light and nannten is an “Unding”. Now the SPD is criticizing the idea.

We are talking about the SPD faction leader Rolf Mützenich: “The Federal Government is responsible for its support, which is responsible for providing financial support for 1,000 euros in the form of long-term care for the future,” said the Rheinischen Post. “The SPD Bundestagsfaction is still very skeptical. We are open to criticism.”

For the broader scope of the plan, “1,000 euros will be spent on the work that will be done and the work can be done well,” said the SPD politician. “If more workers were able to work independently, they would still be able to run and work, and those who would be able to review their assessments and be properly settled.”

Miersch given Anschubfinanzierung

This new SPD General Secretary Matthias Miersch has not made up for the Anschubfinanzierung nicht. There was more information about the question, “which would suffer long-term losses in the orderly Arbeitsverhältnisse, achieved with an orderly Arbeitsvertrag”, as Miersch in Deutschlandfunk.

Das Kabinett has a wide variety of schemes for Bürgergeld-Empfängerinnen and -Empfänger-beschlossen. If you can rely on your baldness, the best option is to go bald with higher penalties.

The rules of the scheme are based on sole anschubfinanzierung. Long-term loss, most of the money earns a social responsibility work since, sollen demnach 1,000 Euro erhalten costs. Die Regelung soll zum 1. January 2025 in Kraft paper.

Scholz: Prämie nützt foutleicht nicht, damjet aber auch nicht

In the Reihen of the Ampel-colonial coalition there is criticism of the former SPD representatives and the Mitgliedern der Grünen and the FDP. When a management regime was cemented, the Bundesregierung became a celebration of the Plans.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he is skeptical about the company’s work. “I personally believe that the theory is a good one, that is the reason why I work hard. We are happy, since all the work is born,” he said in the RTL Direkt special broadcast. The planted Prämie is “not falling”, like Scholz. “Aber damen tut es auch nicht weiter.” Of course, there are still some people who are entitled to go tomorrow and not get a Prämie.

Habeck represents Plane

Habeck has a distorted view of the planted Prämie. There is a practical and pragmatic approach. Davon benefited from the people who went into work, the social system and the Volkswirtschaft.

The Green politician says that it is a matter of an interest group from the Arbeitswissenschaft, which first participates in the cooperation of the Koalitionspartner and then joins forces with Kabinettsbeschluss to finance it. All partners play a role when they play the game with solten, when they gemeinsamen gefassten rusk while telling their story, then it is a critical response.