
Initiative for more information about tempo limits from dpa-AFX

Initiative for more information about tempo limits from dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT/LEIPZIG (dpa-AFX) – A new initiative for the new Straßenverkehrsordnung is a high-speed initiative for pace limits in the German city. It is the best place we have found in the large Handlungsbedarf, such as the Leipzigse Baubürgermeister and Sprecher der Initiative “Lebenswerte Städte durch angemessene Geschwindigkeiten”, Thomas Dienberg (Grüne), from the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. After the initiative was taken to schloss more than 1,100 Towns, Municipalities, Landkreise and Regions, it has been a year since the initiative was taken. Darunter since all communities in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse, as well as in other Bundesländern.

The great Zulauf zu der Initiative spreche für die Überparteilichkeit des Bündnisses, so Dienberg. We see large cities and towns with smaller and smaller communities and cities. If wollen are present, then the electricity traffic management is überlassen bleibt, including Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen with Tempo 30 or 40 einführen wollen. Once you have knüpft a best Voraussetzungen, and even if there are problems, you can further investigate the game of the initiative of the initiative.

Hoher Aufwand as Bremsklotz

So if you are informed, and you are aware of the regulations, you will still be aware of the situation, and you are still safe, says Dienberg. Erforderliche Gutachten cost money and personal ties. If you want to know how the pace limits are with the standard arguments, and we will live man in no time, the decisions are simple or in your spare time by woolly words. Dienberg further referred to smaller cities and municipalities, which lie a thoroughfare. With plenty of traffic and transportation costs through the Ortskern. It is an unimaginable thing, but in the case of solitary falls, you don’t have to wait until 30 minutes since then.

Allerdings are of the initiative not a flächendeckende Einführung von Tempo 30 innerorts, wie Dienberg concreted. When the municipality is concerned with setting pace limits based on its own situation, it is a problem that there is a bad meal, a burger and a burger meal. If you want to leave the communities, play games and play them.

Setting pace limits becomes easier

The Bundesrat hatte Anfang Juli Neuregulationen im Straßenverkehrsrecht zugestimmt. Demnach soll die Anordnung von Tempo-30-Zonen leichter zijn, en zwar nur in Nebenstraßen, sonondern auch auf Vorfahrtstraßen. Konkret betrifft die etwa Straßen und Spielplätzen. If you incur debts, the pace limits are not immediately greater, but at a high frequency. Auch sollen Lücken zwischen zwei Tempo-30-Zonen more flexible geschlossen were können, because of the traffic lighter flying.

An innovative concept for unterstützen would be in Frankfurt from the ökologische Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD) and the Vereinigung für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung (SRL) ausgelobte Deutsche Verkehrsplanungspreis verliehen. During those years, the Auszeichnung must be carried out under the motto “Lebenswerte Straßenräume durch angepasste Geschwindigkeiten”.