
Asteroids could “beige in their own right” for the development of life in the future

Asteroids could “beige in their own right” for the development of life in the future

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Asteroids could “beige in their own right” for the development of life in the future
A Jaxa-Aufnahme des Asteroiden “Ryugu”, from the Japanese Raumsonde “Hayabusa 2” was discussed. (Archive image) © Jaxa/AP/dpa

An international research team has examined the Asteroid Ryugu probe. The ergebnisse can lead the theory about the revolution of life.

Munich – The science evolves long with the Frage, who lives on our own planets and entstanden. New knowledge from international research teams is still present, the Asteroids are a hornet’s nest that has become played. These instructions were investigated and the Japanese Raumsonde “Hayabusa 2” was mounted on the Asteroids Ryugu and a world trip was made.

The Japanese Raumfahrtbehörde Jaxa has sent “Hayabusa 2” on a mission to Asteroids Ryugu. Ryugu is an Apollo-type asteroid that started an Umlaufbahn in 1999 with the probe, which is just as old. The probe was also combined with the probes of the upper fläche as well as the probes, which were brought to light in the year 2020. These studies were analyzed by different teams, a larger part of the Asteroids and their history.

We found ‘Lebensbausteine’ on the asteroid Ryugu

The scientists were able to find connections with magnesium, ammonium and phosphorus in the asteroid probes by means of X-ray spectrometry and other examination methods. The Fund still has no asteroids that no longer have organic elements and compounds, but also their hydration of compounds, which can form as a building block on the Erde fungus.

The Forscher stellten fest, this Körner from the Tiefen des Weltraums is from the Jupiter tribes müssen, that they were a Entstehung näher an der Sonne were evaporated. Removing the ammonium deck requires a larger amount of beddeutung, which with the Zersetzung is a washer fabric as a Stickstoff liefern kann. These elements are intended for the depiction of amino acids and other important molecular components.

Asteroids that could make Ryugu live on the Erde brought haben

In ihrer in Nature Astronomy Veröffentlichten Studie schreiben die Forscher: “These phosphorus reichen Körner (…) could be found in primitive terrestrial water reservoirs with a significant role played.” They bezeichnen these Körner as “HAMP” (an acronym for “hydratisierter Ammonium-Magnesium-Phosphorus-reicher Zusammensetzung“). The study takes place: “HAMP”-Körner “could slow down the reaction pathways of organic material in the direction of biochemical evolution”. (tab)