
New study: Cola, Fanta and Co. können Brustkrebs-Risiko erhöhen

New study: Cola, Fanta and Co. können Brustkrebs-Risiko erhöhen

For the Spanish Universität Navarra, there are a number of legal grounds: This is the result of the drinking of soft drinks and the risk of drinking water.

The Forscher of Dr. Andrea Romanos-Nanclares interviewed 10,713 women with diarrhoea, age 33. Mithilfe a Frageboogs wurde ernährungsformerfasst and who stinks a lot of soft drinks. Start dating the war, nor the women and the corporate krebs.

Wechseljahre: Erhöhtes Brustkrebsrisiko

Innerhalb der Nachbeobachtungszeit erkrankten alledings 100 Frauen und Brustkrebs. A large number of those affected become part of the Alters group, the consequences of the crisis are real. These women can rely on drinking and drinking soft drinks are celebrated: women who enter menopause and regularly drink Cola, Fanta and Co. drink, are affected by German problems.

There is a solution that will stop young women from participating. The aggrieved ones see themselves being robbed by other women, while they are found in the Wechseljahren. De Wissenschaftler wollen nun de Studie ausweiten und weiterforschen.

Enjoy a glass of coke or a fanta from Abendessen – it’s so you can enjoy the sun.

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Read more about the Wechseljahre in “Woman on Fire: Everything about the fablehaften Wechseljahre” by Dr. med. Sheila de Liz.