
Özdemir tries on TV for the anti-woken Grünen-Neustart – a transparent game

Özdemir tries on TV for the anti-woken Grünen-Neustart – a transparent game

The grünen-stecken are more than the gummistiefel edge that is in the criticism: the Stimmung in the Ampel colony is a new new band, the Umfragewerte since im Keller, the Führungskräfte became ausgetauscht. Part of Menge Land was lost at the Landtagswahlen in the East.

For all my core clientele – the most climate-conscious Nachwuchswähler – wendet themselves with the Kompromisslosigkeit of the Youth ab and focused on their erzkonservativ aus. Who would love to come?

At “Maischberger”, the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Cem Özdemir is dealing with the fatal trend that no longer exists, but there is a radical change in the development that will occur if a major change is not yet the case. Seine unausgesprochene Botschaft an diesem Abend: Wir Grünen können alles – otherwise.

1. Party of awakened Willkommenskulturversechter?

In a host family in the FAZ that Özdemir was first written, his 18-year journey and his friends with men with migrations “a sexual development” had begun. A Tabu-Bruch für vale Grünen: Es gehe nicht an, dass jemand aus der Partei “rights Narrativen” afterherlaufe, lautet einer der Vorwürfe. At „Maischberger“ Özdemir beharrt aber darauf, dass er ja nur sage, was Sache ist. Not once Friedrich Merz criticized the Arab migrants as “little Passover” will Özdemir get wet. Woke up? It’s a war.

2. Party of the Class Champion in Turnschuhen?

The Vorstandsmitgliedern der Grünen Jugend, who went missing in his Party den Willen zum Klassenkampf and nevertheless in his Abschied verkündet haben, says Özdemir kühl: “They were in the vals Party and haben that jetzt erkannt.” Keine Träne will be hinterher weinen: “Reisende soll man nicht aufhalten.”

3. Verbotsparty with Veggie Day?

Veggie Day and the best forms are at the bovine neuerten Grünen on the keinen Platz more: „There is a Fleisch, the other vegetarian, the third is Flexitarier – lastly the Leute but, perhaps a littler“, by Vegetarier Özdemir. If it is so good, the Zeigefinger gen Bayern zu addressed – jenem Land, in dem schon das zafte Nein zu Leberkäs und Weißwurst manchem bereits as Heimatverrat screams: “Das würde ich gene dem Markus Söder zurufen: Etwas weniger die Menschen belehren.”

4. “Fridays for Future” a sieben Tagen pro Woche?

Selbst von Greta Thunberg distanziert sich der Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister: Dass die Klimaakivistin nun auf pro-palästinensischen Demos auftritt, “sollle uns all dazu move, nor eeninmal gut nachzu thinking, was früher über über diese Young Dame Thought and Gesagt Haben”, so Özdemir. “I find the furchtbar and schlimm.” Würde der Grüne jetzt noch de Klimawandel lie: Man wäre kaum überrascht.

Özdemir has discussed a personal agenda

This fulminant Roller-rückwärts is the very transparent Versuch, that in the past and three years grim disaster Image of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen aufzupolieren. Aber Özdemir follows a parallel approach with a personal agenda: Anfang 2026 will be expected in Baden-Württemberg. While the Weihnachten were the country and the rest of the nation, Özdemir became involved as Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann.

Is Baden-Württemberg ready for the first Turkish Prime Ministers, Sandra Maischberger von Özdemir will know. It’s so bad that the best part of the world doesn’t have the problem.

During rest? It is not possible for Hans-Gustav to use a Flik-Flaks machine. Anyone who is mobile will be sure that Özdemir will be fine in his “Maischberger”-Folge-allerds.