
Graphics in many variations and striking Ausdruckskraft

Graphics in many variations and striking Ausdruckskraft

Two of the oldest artists, named Sebastian Speckmann and Claus Georg Stabe, followed the diesjährigen erneut and brought a friend and colleagues, for example Claas Gutsche, with the ebenfalls aus der Leipziger Schule reforming.

So come in the beautiful Ausstellungsräumen at the Festhalle in Hohen-aschau diesmal die graphics in the different Ausprägungen zu ihrem Recht. The finest linoleum cut with the greater Australian printing art of Sebastian Speckmann is immersed in a Sammelsurium of disinterested graphic techniques with lithography, light printing and further from the work with the Kugelschreiber by Claus Georg Stabe.

While the exhibition is set in Andrea Kühnhackl’s art history during the annual celebration, the graphic in the background of the Malay has become “long-lasting and the end of the line”. Gut zu sehen ist das zum Beispiel bei Class Gutsche, (Jahrgang 1982, lebt und labor in Berlin) in seinem Linolschnitt “Collapse”.

Born in the last Ausläufer der GDR, he often lives with architects and thinkers of the social world. Gänzlich otherwise aber since Gutsches small-formed work in their free time. The socialistic architecture of the city is poetic, more one-sided with the ‘Suburbia’ or ‘Nostalgia’ gegenüber, the traitor with solar energy, reiner Landschaft and Urbanität by Oberleitungen, which the image asks, confronts.

In the Works of Sebastian Speckmann (born 1982 in Wolfen, studied at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig and the Royal Academy of Arts, London, lived in Leipzig) often encounters more Welten aufeinander, who are really not an Ort or so gleichen Zeit could exist. Versatzstücke from the various Quellen have been brought together – their own Fotoarchiv, Büchern, Zeitschrifts etc..

If you see a larger formatting of the »Wurf«, the entry range is no more than a combination, the motivation is one of the uninterested holzstichen on 19. Jahrhundert. The head comes from an angel or a lady, the small head from a bauernstich, the drapierte wall from antique Vorlagen. Details of the foundation effects are so together that the Welt-wissermaßen come from the Fugen-gerät – the gefühlsmäßige Realität which is much less treacherous.

Many of the other images suggested that the bet would determine the best situation of the situation, as is the case with the signaler series in Nordirland with the image »No surrender. The Protestants, who played a childish urban story, were left behind by the ailment. A Bub jumps over the Feuer, in the background the Konturen and Kirchturms are visible.

Its own visual cosmos involved in the fascination, a unique set of images »Kugelschreiber-Bildern« by Claus Georg Stabe, year 1984, who studied with Neo Rauch in Leipzig. The Zeilengrafik entsteht with Hilfe des Kugelschreibers op Papier. You have the Andruck des Stiftes completely closed, party and bright sails and wechselnde, überlagerde Tints is very much a sublime, exciting color. Langsam shows a man in his work and his poems, the man will see his ability. De Linie has a sail for the sail and its own dynamism. First a fläche started, then a raum, the vibrating feeling of a sound.

If you also take an unjustified position in the time chart in Hohen-aschau, which communicates very well here. Kuratiert wurde die Ausstellung wieder, wie jede der Präsentationen since 1991, von dem Aschauer Maler Rudolph Distler, they are still in an Airline war, not nur professional Künstler zu präsentieren, who stehen in the Scheinwerferlicht of the Kunstmarkt, among the herausragende Absolventen aus the Kunstakademie, um in a forum about beets.

The presentation of the Festhalle in Hohenaschau is not one of the most common viewing areas. The duration is a Morning Freitag and a Samstag from 4 to 7 PM and a Sonntag from 2 to 7 PM.

Christiane Giesen